1. A sign of glory for Khalil is eminent
And an exalted rank he will surely attain
١. نيشانَ مَجدٍ لِلخَليلِ أَسنى
وَرِفعَةَ حَتماً عَلَيها يَثني
2. Either bewildered by God's power
Or wise, unparalleled in reasoning
٢. أَو تَيهَماً بِقُدرَةِ الإِلَهِ
وَحِكمَةً ما شابَها تُلاهي
3. Keen in bright intelligence
And proud in his steadfast soul
٣. وَفِطنَةً زَكِيَّةً جَلِيَّةً
وَعِزَّةً في نَفسِهِ سَجِيَّة
4. For he differs from others
With praiseworthy conduct and journey
٤. فَإِنَّهُ مُبايِنٌ لِلغَيرِ
بِسيرَةٍ مَحمودَةٍ وَسير
5. Each has a superior elect
Especially the director Kalyar
٥. كُلٌّ لَهُ مِفضَلٌ مُختارُ
لا سِيَّما مُديرُهُ كَليار
6. For he regulates the office
And never leans to the bureaucratic
٦. لِأَنَهُ مُقَوِّمُ الديوان
وَلا يَميلُ قَط لِلديواني
7. He examines deeds meticulously
Appraising highly whatever merits appraisal
٧. مَناظِرُ أَعمالِهِ بِدِقَّةٍ
وَما إِلَيهِ جَلَّ قَدراً دَقَّهُ
8. And that he is a most loyal brother
Should he see an equal in his rank
٨. وَأَنَّهُ أَخو وَفاً خَليلُ
ما إِن يَرى في صَفوِهِ مَثيلُ
9. This is the precedence of our noble Master
And I hope for the lengthening of his days
٩. هَذا عَلَيهِ فَضلُ مَولانا الأَجَلُ
وَلي رَجا في مَنحِهِ طولَ الأَجَلِ
10. Enjoying wealth and wellness
And agreeable, pleasing livelihood
١٠. مُمَتَّعاً بِثَروَةٍ وَعافِيَةٍ
وَعيشَةٍ مَرضِيَّةٍ وَراضِيَةِ
11. So accept, my brother, the most sincere congratulations
From the companion in joy and sorrow
١١. فَاِقبَل أَخي خالِصَ الهَناءِ
مِن صاحِبَ السَرّاءَ والضَرّاءِ
12. For twenty then ten years have passed
In them the ten are evident
١٢. فَقَد مَضَت عِشرونَ ثُمَّ عَشرَةً
سَنونَ فيها تَستَبينُ العَشرَه
13. And ask the Benevolent, Most Generous
To better the conclusion of affairs
١٣. وَاِسأَلِ المَنانَ ذا الإِكرامِ
إِن يُحسِنَ الأَحوالَ لِلخِتامِ