
They prescribed a cure for an illness

وصفوا لي علاج برء لسقم

1. They prescribed a cure for an illness
That had afflicted me, and time was unkind with what was acceptable

١. وَصَفوا لي عِلاجَ بَرءٍ لِسَقمٍ
قَد بَراني وَالدَهرُ ضَنَّ بِما طَب

2. Then they said it was love
Of the purest affection and fellowship

٢. ثُمَّ قالوا بانَ ذَلِكَ حُبٌّ
مِن نَقى الهَنا وَاِنسَ يَركَب

3. With the addition of pure affection and feeling
A pleasant, untainted blend

٣. وَمُضافٌ إِلَيهِ مِن خالِصِ الوُدِّ وَحُس
نِ الوَلا مَزيجُ مُطيب

4. Each day and night I take
A morsel of it, melted and drunk

٤. كُلُّ يَومٍ وَلَيلَةً أَتَعاطى
حَبَّةً مِنهُ أَو تُذابُ وَتَشرَب

5. And when the beloved reaches this point
As he knows best what is right, and is more experienced

٥. وَإِذا ما الحَبيبُ بَلَغَ هَذا
وَهوَ أَدرى بِما يَصِح وَاِدرُب

6. He took it upon himself to compound it with his hands
And with it he was generous, endearing, and affectionate

٦. قَد تَوَلّى تَركيبُهُ بِيَدَيهِ
وَبِهِ جادَ مُنَعَّماً وَتَحَبَّب

7. So it brought about for my illness the greatest cure
And my soul found it the most delicious and pleasurable

٧. فاتي لِلسِقامَ أَعظَمَ بَرءٍ
وَلَدى النَفسُ كانَ أَشهى وَأَطرَبُ

8. And it is, without doubt, beneficial and advantageous
Made from medicine, O brother, for one who loves

٨. وَهوَ لا شَكَّ نافِعٌ وَمُفيدُ
صَنَعَ مِن طِبٍّ يا أَخي لِمَن حَب

9. A companion of good cheer and affection
And excels in perfect companionship

٩. صاحِب صَح عَشرَةً وَوِداداً
وَعَلى الصَحبِ بِالكَمالِ تَغلَب

10. He cured with wisdom, and so became
The best to cure, eager and delighted

١٠. عالَجَ الطِبَّ بِالذَكاءِ فَأَمسى
خَيرَ مَن طَب راغِباً وَتَطيب

11. So it is the embodiment of the proverbial saying
Don't ask the doctor, ask the experienced

١١. فَهوَ مِصداقُ ما يُقالُ مِثالا
دَع سُؤالَ الطَبيبِ وَاِسأَل مُجَرِّب

12. The exalted master of munificence and nobility
That refined apothecary of supreme virtues

١٢. جادَ عُلونُ ذو النَدى وَالمَعالي
صَيدَلاني الأَفضالِ ذاكَ المُهَذَّب

13. And say, your grateful servant
Is obligated by your favor to praise you

١٣. وَقُلِ العَبدَ لِلصَنيعِ شَكورٌ
وَعَلَيهِ الثَنا لِفَضلِكَ أَوجَب

14. So make the beautiful seed that you gave generously
With which you provided me a regular livelihood

١٤. فَاِجعَلَن حَبَّةَ الجَميلِ الَّتي جَد
دَت عَلَيهِ بِها مَعاشاً مُرَتَّب

15. Then treat me with what will give peace to my mind
The vessel that I anticipate

١٥. ثُمَّ عَدلي بِما يَطمَئِنُّ بالي
وِعاءٌ هُوَ الَّذي أَتَرَقَّب