
Alas! For the cause of God, what has befallen me from you

ألا في سبيل الله ما حل بي منك

1. Alas! For the cause of God, what has befallen me from you
While you are at ease with whatever you wish of separation

١. أَلا في سَبيلِ اللَهِ ما حَلَّ بي مِنكَ
وَأَنتَ لَفي حِلٍّ بِما شِئتَ مِن فَتكِ

2. And nothing is difficult except your love, your disdain and aloofness
And your patience with me, when I have no patience without you

٢. وَما الصَعبُ إِلّا حُبُّكَ الصَدُّ وَالجَفا
وَصَبَّرَكَ عَنّي حَيثُ لا صَبرَ لي عَنكِ

3. And my body has left me after my torment
It is forbidden, if I was your servant with the kingdom

٣. وَتَرَكَكَ جِسمي بَعدَ مُهجَتي
حَرامٌ إِذا ما كُنتُ عَبدَكَ بِالمُلكِ

4. And from my misfortune, it left me after this emaciation
If only it had left before this abandonment

٤. وَمِن سوءِ حَظّي تَركُهُ بَعدَ ذا القَلا
ضَئيلاً فَهَلّا كانَ مِن قَبلُ ذا التُركِ

5. Is there an arbiter in love to judge between us
When old age takes its toll, he does not doubt

٥. فَهَل حاكَمَ في الحُبُّ يَحكُمُ بَينَنا
إِذا ماسَ مِنكَ القَدُّ لَم يَرُم بِالشَكِّ

6. My tears testify what has happened
And take my right for me and do me justice from you

٦. يَقومُ لَهُ دَمعي بِإِثباتِ ما جَرى
وَيَأخُذُ لي حَقّي وَيُنصِفَني مِنكِ