1. With the acceptance of your fast, its holiday smiled
And clarity appeared, its near and far
١. بِقَبولِ صَومِكَ قَد تَبَسَّمَ عيدُهُ
وَبَدا الصَفاءَ قَريبُهُ وَبَعيدُهُ
2. And both passed with intimacy and goodness
And for you the All-Dominant one renews it with good fortune
٢. وَكِلاهُما بِالأُنسِ وَالحُسنى مَضى
وَلَكَ المُهَيمِنُ بِالسُعودِ يُعيدُهُ
3. So congratulate yourself on the hoped reward for fasting
And the best deed is what you do not cease to increase
٣. فَاِهنَأ بِمَرجُوِّ الثَوابِ عَلى الصِيا
مِ وَخَيرُ فِعلٍ ما فِتَئَت تَزيدُهُ
4. And thank and be delighted by the blessing above wishes
And the wholesomeness of breakfast will not cease to satisfy him
٤. وَاِشكُر وَسِر بِنِعمَةِ فَوقِ المَرا
مِ وَصَفوُ فَطِر لَن يَزولَ رَغيدُهُ
5. And anticipate favor, for it is, as you see
Coming to confirm what you want and desire
٥. وَاِستَقبِلِ الإِقبالَ فَهوَ كَما تَرى
آتٍ يُقَرِّرُ ما تَشا وَتُريدُهُ
6. And luck has resolved not to leave with wishes
Striving towards you throughout time are its delegations
٦. وَالحَظُّ آلى لَيسَ يَبرَحُ بِالمُنى
يَسعى إِلَيكَ مَدى الزَمانِ وُفودُهُ
7. And grant with abundant generosity those with intentions
Each with praise exalting you, delicate is its poem
٧. وَاِمنَح مِنَ الكَرَمِ العَميمِ قَواصِداً
كُلٌّ بِمَدحٍ عَلاكَ راقِ قَصيدُهُ
8. Crowding relatives and strangers
To the abundant fresh spring are its runnels
٨. مُتَزاحِمينَ أَقارِباً وَأَجانِباً
لِلمَنهَلِ العَذبِ الكَثيرِ ُررودُهُ
9. And enter well and complete companionship
And the equal of glory which its freshness does not dry out
٩. وَاِدخُل بِعافِيَةٍ وَأَكمِل صُحبَةً
وَنَضيرُ مَجدٍ لَيسَ يَيبَسُ عودُهُ
10. Crowned with the crown of sublimity, wearing
The clothes of felicity, may its newness last
١٠. مُتَكَلِّلاً تاجَ العُلا مُتَجَلِّباً
في مَلبَسِ الإِسعادِ دامَ جَديدُهُ
11. And rise to the highest glories always
For you are the owner of its house and pillar
١١. وَاِنهَض إِلى أَوجِ المَعالي دائِماً
فَلَأَنتَ صاحِبُ بَيتِها وَعَميدُهُ
12. And enjoy a life whose fortress you build
In great triumph and victory, long is its extent
١٢. وَاِمتِع بِعُمرٍ قَد تَشيدُ حِصنُهُ
في العِزِّ وَالفَوزِ العَظيمِ مَديدُهُ
13. And allow the honoring of Dhakhlia which
With you has become a meadow, blooming are its flowers
١٣. وَاِسمَح بِتَشريفِ الدَقهَلِيَّةِ الَّتي
بِكَ أَصبَحَت رَوضاً تَضوعُ وُرودُهُ
14. So with the blessing of your holiday it has bloomed and for the like of it
Are her hopes, a freshness pleasing is its essence
١٤. فَبِيُمنِ عيدِكَ قَد زَهَت وَلِمِثلِهِ
أَمالَها عودٌ يَطيبُ حَميدُهُ
15. And increase in reforming affairs more and more
Excellent is your invention of the system, it benefits it
١٥. وَاِزدَد لِإِصلاحِ الشُؤنِ تَفَنُّناً
حُسنَ اِختِراعِكَ لِلنِظامِ يُفيدُهُ
16. And your great opinion, its diffusion
Is built from penetrating thought, lofty is its construction
١٦. وَعَظيمُ رَأيِكَ بَثُّهُ فَبِناؤُهُ
مِن ثاقِبِ الفِكرِ اِعتَلى تَشييدُهُ
17. And incline with preferential kindness that has not ceased
From the sea of your wisdom, those seeking you pull in its catch
١٧. وَاِعطِف عَلى عَدلٍ بِفَضلٍ لَم يَزَلِ
مِن بَحرِ حِلمِكَ قاصِدوكَ تَصيدُهُ
18. And make sincere advice to the benevolent a sole focus
Its qualities of perfection appear numerous
١٨. وَاِجعَل إِلى الآجادِ نُصحاً مُفرَداً
يَبدو بِأَوصافِ الكَمالِ عَديدُهُ
19. And strew your commendable traits like pearls
From a essence that impresses minds, paltry is its value
١٩. وَاِنثُر مَزاياكَ الحِسانُ لَآلِئاً
مِن جَوهَرٍ يَسبي العُقولَ زَهيدُهُ
20. In the neck of the era's people without coveting
To you is their gratitude, poetry overflowing are its strings
٢٠. في جيدِ أَهلِ العَصرِ غَيرُ مُزاحِمٍ
لَكَ شُكرُها نَظمٌ تَجودُ عُقودُهُ
21. And look always to the people of righteousness
For whom you looked to, his happiness is complete
٢١. وَاِنظُر لِأَهلِ الاِستِقامَةِ دائِماً
فَلِمَن نَظَرتَ لَهُ تَتِمُّ سُعودُهُ
22. And attract their hearts generously
With kindness for which its support appears
٢٢. وَاِستَجلِبَن قُلوبَهُم مُتَكَرِّماً
بِتَعَطُّفٍ يَبدو لَهُ تَأييدُهُ
23. For truthfulness and sincerity are both evident in you
Through your action, not absent are their witnesses
٢٣. فَالصِدقُ وَالإِخلاصُ فيكَ كِلاهُما
بادَ بِفِعلِكَ لا تَغيبَ شُهودُهُ
24. And you know best that every enabled one
For his purpose has a true and firm hope
٢٤. وَلَأَنتَ أَدرى إِن كُلَّ مُوَفَّقٍ
لِمَرامِهِ أَمَلٌ يَحِقٌّ وَطيدُهُ
25. Help from you and lofty resolve has not ceased
For the deserving and those whose pledges you fulfilled
٢٥. لا زالَ مِنكَ الجاهَ وَالهِمَمِ العُلى
لِذَوي الحُقوقِ وَمَن وَفَتكَ عُهودُهُ
26. So gratitude continues for the Chosen One
And for you is praise, smooth is its path and habit
٢٦. فَتَدومُ مَشكورَ المَواهِبِ مُصطَفى
وَلَكَ الثَناءُ طَريقُهُ وَتَليدُهُ
27. And the holiday sings in delight, its date
Good tidings to the director, we increase it
٢٧. وَالعيدُ يَنشُدُ في الهَنا تاريخُهُ
خَيراً بِعَليا لِلمُديرِ نَزيدُهُ
28. And those gaining from virtues have chronicled
With the Chosen One - and it is due to the grace of his holiday
٢٨. وَالكاسِبونَ مِنَ المَكارِمِ أرخو
بِالمُصطَفى وَهيَ لِفَضلِ عيدُهُ