1. I repeat the sweet talk of the one who dwells on the hillside
Perhaps it will cool the ardour caused by the burning wind
١. أعيداً حديثَ الأنسِ عنْ ساكِنِ السَّفْحِ
عَسَى تُبرِداَما بِالجَوانِحِ من لَفحِ
2. Beware mentioning my darling, for he
Is sufficient for my jealousy, needing no explanation
٢. وإيَّاكُما ذِكرَ العُذَيبِ فإنَّهُ
على غَيرَتِي عَنْهُ غَنِيٌّ عنِ الشَّرحِ
3. My two boon companions, I do not forget when I came to her abode
Alone, stealing steps into the thickets of the wings
٣. خَليلَيَّ لا أنْسَى وقَدْ جِئتُ حَيَّهَا
وحِيداً أسِرُّ الخَطوَ فِي غَيهَبِ الجُنحِ
4. The little bird peeps out at me angrily and the heart of the stately one
Bristles with rage along with the butting
٤. تُطالِعُنِي الجَوزَاءُ شزراً وَيَنطَوي
عَلَى حَنَقِ قَلبُ السِّمَاكِ مَعَ النَّطحِ
5. My feet have not trodden on anything but thorns
And my palms have not grasped anything but a spear
٥. وَما وَطِئَتْ رِجلِي عَلَى غَيرِ شَائِكٍ
ولاَ قَبَضَتْ كَفَّايَ إلاَّ عَلَى رُمْحِ
6. I try to gain her glance, not out of doubt
And seek her favor, not by bribery
٦. أحَاولُ مِنهَا لَفتَةً لا لِريبَةٍ
وأطْلُبُ مِنهَا نَعْمَةً لا على قَدحِ
7. And were it not for the spreading of the publishing from the folds of her mantle
And the shining of her sides, I would have wandered till dawn
٧. وَلولا انتِشارُ النَّشرِ من طَيّ رُدْنِهَا
وبَرق ثَناياها ضَلَلتُ إلى الصُّبْحِ
8. So the fluttering of my startled heart awakened her
And the war of fate turned in her into peace
٨. فأيقَظَهَا مِلبُعدِ خَفْقُ حُشاشَتي
وقَدْ عادَ حَربُ الدَّهرِ فِيهَا إلى الصُّلحِ
9. She came to me - how amazing - like the daughter of Muhammad
When the feast of Breaking the Fast was held in the field of the tower
٩. فَوافَتْ وَيَا لَلُّهِ كَابنِ مُحمَّدٍ
وقَد قَامَ لِلتَّعيِيدِ في سَاحَةِ الصَّرحِ
10. Behold! He is the pasha whom the kings of the world have acknowledged
For his nature and noble manners
١٠. ألاَ إنَّهُ البَاشَا الذِي اعتَرفَتْ لَهُ
مُلوكُ الوَرَى بِالخَلقِ والخُلُقِِ السَّمحِ
11. When you look at him you would say that compared to him
The rest of the rulers are just riffraff
١١. هُمَّامٌ إذا عَايَنتَهُ قُلتَ إنَّ مَن
سِواهُ مِنَ الأملاكِ مِنْ جُملَةٍ السَّرحِ
12. He has endured every hardship to gain praise
Which the birds in the air sing of on the sand dunes
١٢. طَوى لاكتِسابِ الحَمدِ كُلَّ تنوفةٍ
يُغَنِّي بِهَا طَيرُ الفَخَارِ عَلَى دَوحِ
13. And he brought out in this reign every wonder
Which the birds in the air sing of on the sand dunes
١٣. وأظهرَ في ذا الملكِ كلَّ عجيبةٍ
يغني بها طير الفخارِ على دوحِ
14. We saw him, when he bade farewell to fasting, returning
While the feast of Breaking the Fast was approaching joyfully
١٤. رَأيناهُ لَمَّا وَدَّعَ الصَّومَ رَاجِعاً
وأقْبَلَ عِيدُ الفِطرِ في مَعرِضِ الفَرحِ
15. He looked out from between the pillars as
The face of righteousness looks out from behind good advice
١٥. تَطَلَّعَ من بينِ الأسَاطِينِ مِثَلمَا
تَطَلَّعَ وجْهُ الرُّشْدِ من خِلَلِ النُّصحِ
16. And he stood to give greetings, approaching
As the Yemeni Pillar stood up to be touched
١٦. وَقَامَ لإعطَاءِ التَّحيَّةِ مُقبِلاً
كما انتَصَبَ الرُّكنُ اليَمَانِيُّ لِلمْسْحِ
17. And he held out his palm for kissing, and had it
Passed over a wounded man, it would have healed his wound
١٧. وأبْرَزَ لِلتَّقبِيلِ كَفّاًلَو أنَّهَا
تَمُرُّ بِمَقرُوحٍ لَصَحَّ منَ القَرحِ
18. Without doubt, when we touched his right hand
We won the treasure of good fortune from the essence of profit
١٨. ولا شَكَّ أنَّا إذْ لَمَسْنَا يَمِينَهُ
ظَفِرنَا بِكَنزِ اليُمنِ من مَعدِنِ الرّبْحِ
19. So O clouds whose palm sheds
Pearls and hail, spreading rainwater
١٩. فَيا أيُّها الغَيثُ الذِي جُودُ كَفِّهِ
من الدَّرّ والإبرِيزِ مُنتَشِرُ السَّحّ
20. And O sword with which
The necks of the treasonous were cut without wounds
٢٠. ويا أيُهّا السَّيفُ الذي انقَطَعَتْ بِهِ
رِقَابُ بَني البُهتَانِ مِن غَيرِ ما جُرْحِ
21. Such are the traits of every weak-spirited ruler
Whose nature stops at cowardice and meanness
٢١. فَذاكَ مِنَ الأسوَاءِ كُلُّ مُمَلَكٍ
سَجِيَّتُهُ وَقفٌ على الجُبْنِ وَالشحّ
22. While you were blessed with this feast where each season
After it is purer and greater in success
٢٢. وَهُنِّيتَ بِالعِيدِ الذي كُلُّ مَوسِمٍ
عَلَى إثرِهِ أزكَى وَأعظَمُ بِالنُّجحِ
23. I take refuge in God that there be any stigma
Apart from it having come after the conquest
٢٣. تَحَاشا وأيْم اللهِ عَن كُلُّ وصمَةٍ
سِوى أنَهُ قَد جَاءَ في أثَرِ الفَتحِ
24. So it faced from your supporters smiling like a flower
And met those who opposed you in utter ugliness
٢٤. فَلاقَاهُ من وَالاكَ كَالزَّهرِ بَاسِماً
وَواجَهَ مَنْ عَاداكَ في غايَةِ القُبْحِ
25. And make long your days in this palace which makes
Joy for you rise high from its corners
٢٥. وأنعِم بِهَذا القَصرِ دَهرَكَ بَادياً
لَكَ البِشرُ مِن أرجَائِهِ عالِي القَدْحِ
26. Its bracelets like twisted vines let down tresses
And were it not for bashfulness they would lean towards you in madness
٢٦. سَوَاريهِ مثلُ الغيدِ أرخَتْ ذَوَائِباً
ولَولا الحَيا مالَت حَوالَيكَ لِلشَّطحِ
27. You see every white leather cushion leaned
Upon its like in the courtyard vying in generosity
٢٧. تَرى كُلَّ بَيضَاءِ الأدِيمِ تَوكَّأتْ
عَلى مِثلِهَا سَمرَاءُ في جَودَةِ السَّطحِ
28. They have fastened the waists tightly like
They wanted them all to call people to work
٢٨. شَدَدنَ عَلى الأوسَاطِ حُزماً كَأنَّمَا
يُرَجَّينَ أنْ تَدعُو الجَمِيعَ إلى الكَدحِ
29. And they have carved on the surface a design like
Fragments of the wick of night at first dawn
٢٩. وَنَمَّقنَ أعلى الوَجهِ نَقشاً كَأنَّهُ
شَظَايا فَتِيلِ اللَّيلِ في غُرَّةِ الصُّبحِ
30. And they stand on the platform of brilliance as though
It were made of ice but it lacks coldness
٣٠. وَقُمنَ على دَستِ النَّضَارِ كَأنَّهَ
مِن الثَّلجِ إلاَّ أنَّهُ فَاقِدُ الرَّشحِ
31. Marvels have appeared in marvelous ways and are sheathed
Works of the one with sheaths lie in the rubbish heap
٣١. بَدَائِعُ أزرَتْ بِالبَديِعِ وأغْمَدَتْ
مَصَانِعَ ذِي غَمدَانَ في حَيِّزِ الطَّرْحِ
32. While the enclosure aspires to rival them in its state
And how far is the acacia with sweet-smelling flowers!
٣٢. وَرَامَ يُحاكِيها السَّدْيِرُ بِحالِهِ
وَأينَ مِنَ السَّعَدانِ نَابِتَةُ الطَّلحِ
33. And how many like them do you have in spreading wonders
When they reach your position he who contends despairs of life
٣٣. وكَمْ لَكَ في نَشرِ المَفَاخِرِ مِثلُهَِا
إذا بَلِغَتْ شَانِيكَ أيقَنَ بِالذَّبحِ
34. Does he who aspires to rival you in resolution not fear
That the test will distinguish the fresh from the salt?
٣٤. أما يَتَوقَّى مَنْ يُبارِيكَ عَزمَةً
تُمَيِّزُ بَعْدَ المَزجِ عَذباً منَ المِلْحِ
35. You have sent it (the poem) as a plan to East and West
With which pens will write your glory on tablets
٣٥. بَعَثْتَ بها للغربِ والشَّرقِ خُطَّةً
تَخُطُّ بِهَا الأقلاَمُ مَجدَكَ في لَوحٍ
36. So you continuously display each time a wondrous thing
Which pleases minds at the start and ends in praise
٣٦. فَلاَ زِلْتَ تُبْدي كُلَّ حِينٍ غَرِيبَةً
تَروقُ النُّهَى بَدْءاً وَتَخْتِمُ بِالمَدحِ