
The matter of death among people is momentous

أمر هذا الموت في الناس عظم

1. The matter of death among people is momentous
It does not distinguish the young from them, but is all encompassing

١. أمرُ هذا الموتِ في الناس عَظُم
لاَيَخُصُّ الغَمرَ منهم بلْ يَعُمْ

2. Rather, behind death there is tremendous distress
None will be saved from it except those who are shown mercy

٢. بل وَرَاءَ المَوتِ كَربٌ فَادِحٌ
لَيسَ يَنْجُو منهُ إلاَّ مَنْ رُحِمْ

3. My Lord, may Your mercy be upon whoever You have kept alive
As one excellent, forgiving, who has visited the Sacred Mosque

٣. رَبّ رُحْمَاكَ لِمَنْ أحْيَيْتَهُ
خَيِّراً عَفاً وَقَدْ زَارَ الحَرَمْ

4. The son of Khuja Hamza Muhammad
All people are safe from him

٤. ابنِ خُوجَا حَمْزَةَ مُحَمدٍ
ذَاكَ كُلُّ الناس مِنهُ قدْ سَلِمْ

5. And may He meet him on the Day of Reunion with acceptance
In the Abode of Intimacy and the Most Perfect Forgiveness

٥. وَالقَهُ يَومَ التلاَقِي بِالرّضَا
في مَقام الأنس وَالعَفوِ الأتَمْ

6. With the Messenger of Allah, the Chosen One, and his family
And his excellent Companions, the lights in the darkness

٦. بِالرَّسُولِ المُصطَفَى مَعْ آلهِ
صَحْبِهِ الأنجابِ أنوَارِ الظُّلُمْ

7. Allah, make truthful whoever composed this
A deceased person has traveled to the Lord of Bounty

٧. صَدّقِ اللهُمَّ مَنْ أرَّخَهُ
سَارَ مَرحُومٌ إلَى مَولى كَرُمْ