
She knew my passion burned for her in my heart,

علمت بأن غرامها في خاطري

1. She knew my passion burned for her in my heart,
So she grew distant, glancing at me listlessly.

١. عَلِمَتْ بِأنَّ غَرامَهَا في خَاطِرِي
فَتَعَزَّزَتْ وَرَنَتْ بِطَرفٍ فَاتِرٍ

2. She veiled herself when she saw me visiting,
Is this how a lover should be treated when visiting?

٢. وتَبَرَقَعَتْ لَمَّا رَأتني زَائِراً
أكَذاكَ يُفْعَلُ بِالحَبيبِ الزَّائِرِ

3. If aloofness pleased her, then indeed
I love keeping apart, like a startled gazelle.

٣. إنْ كَانَ يَعجَبُهَا النُّفُورُ فَإنَّمَا
أهوَى التَّعَزُّلَ فِي الغَزَالِ النَّافِرِ

4. Hayfa, jewellery weighs her down and her face
Is lovelier and more alluring than the jewels of a Samaritan.

٤. هَيفَاءُ يُثقِلُهَا الحِلِيُّ وَوَجهُها
أبهى وأفتنُ من حليّ السّامري

5. Do not deny I am smitten with her, for her eyes
Have condemned me, with an overwhelming judgement.

٥. لا تنكروا ولهي بها فعيونها
حَكَمَتْ عَلَى ضَعفِي بِحُكمٍ قَاهِرِ

6. Or have you not seen her stature and lips,
Like the thrust of a lance, and the sorcery of a bewitcher.

٦. أو مَا تَرَونَ مِنَ القَوامِ وثَغرِهَا
طَعنِ الرّمَاحِ ونَفَثْ سِحرِ السَّاحِرِ

7. And whenever I gestured discreetly, wanting something,
She was heedless, speaking of other things.

٧. وَمَتَى أشَرتُ مُعَرضاً فِي حَاجَةٍ
غَفَلَتْ ومَرَّتْ فِي حَدِيثٍ آخَرِ

8. I cannot forget when she said, “I knew you were fearful
Of the pitfalls in these unsettled times.”

٨. لَمْ أنسَ إذ قَالَتْ عَهدْتُكَ خَائِفاً
وَقْعَ الشَّوائِبِ مِنْ زَمَانٍ جَائِرِ

9. When asked who I took revenge on, I replied eagerly,
“I took revenge through Ahmad ibn al-Nasir.”

٩. بِمَنِ انْتَصَرْتَ عَلَيهِ قُلْتُ مُبادِراً
إنِّي انتَصَرتُ بِأحمَدَ بنِ النَّاصِرِ

10. She said, “You were victorious, so trust in your good fortune,
Vast is the field for one who arrives and departs.”

١٠. قَالَتْ ظَفِرتَ فَثِق إذاً بِمُوَفَقٍ
رَحبِ الفَنَاءِ لِوارِدٍ والصّادِرِ

11. No man can compare to the one you mentioned, do not say
Among a thousand there is one like this rare man.

١١. مَا فِي الرّجال كَمَنْ ذَكَرتَ ولاتَقُلْ
في الألفِ فَردٌ مِثلُ هذا النَّادِرِ

12. Who sees him and does not say of him,
“How much remains from beginning to end!”

١٢. مَنْ ذا يَراهُ ولَمْ يَقُلْ في حَقِهِ
كَم قَد بَقَى مِنْ أولِ للآخِرِ

13. He inherited sovereignty from his father and grandfather,
Generations of the great, from one great man to another.

١٣. ورث السيادة من أبيه وجده
وهلم جرا كابراً عن كابرِ

14. And truly, after hardship befell him,
I arrived ruffled and crumpled under the wing of a bird.

١٤. ولقد وردت عليه إثر مشقةٍ
فدحتْ وفلبي في جناحي طائرِ

15. Evil watches me at every turn,
Mocking me maliciously with a treacherous face.

١٥. وَالشَرُّ يَنظُرُنِي بِكُلّ ثَنِيةٍ
شَزراً ويَلقَانِي بِوَجهٍ غَادِرِ

16. But as soon as I touched his palm,
I felt delight spread through my heart.

١٦. فَإذا أنَا لَمَّا لَمَستُ بِكَفِّهِ
جَذلاَنُ أخطُرُ في انشِرَاح الخَاطِرِ

17. O family of Naji, you are all, because of him,
Worthy of praise, and appreciative of the appreciator.

١٧. يَا آل نَاجٍ كُلُّكُمْ مِنْ أجلِهِ
أهلُ المَديحِ وأهلُ شُكرِ الشَّاكِرِ

18. Indeed, virtuous merits in all their varieties
Have gathered in your house, every ample share.

١٨. بَلْ بَيتُكُمْ فِيهَا الفَضَائِلِ جُمِّعَتْ
جَمعاً يُحصَلُ كُلَّ حَظّ وَافِرِ

19. None between a champion, or a provincial governor,
Or an ocean of excellence, or chief man of prestige.

١٩. مَا بَينَ بَطلٍ أو عَميدٍ ولاَيَةٍ
أو بَحرِ فَضلِ أو رئيسِ مَحَابِرِ

20. O master, his generosity has restored my honour,
And given me life through timely good.

٢٠. يَا سَيِّداً قَد رَدَّ لِي مِن فَضلِهِ
عِزي وحَيَّاني بِخَيرٍ بَاكِرِ

21. A noble nature in the generous man is instinctive,
Hidden, yet his handsome appearance reveals it.

٢١. حُسنُ الطَّويَّةِ في الكَرِيمِ سَجيَّةٌ
تَخفى وَيُظهِرُهَا جَمَالُ الظَّاهِرِ

22. May your Lord keep you safe and sound, in bliss,
Until you live out the lifetime of your glorious ancestor.

٢٢. أبقَاكَ رَبُّكَ سَالِمَاً فِي غِبطَةٍ
حَتَّى تُعَمِّرَ عُمرَ جَدّ عَاشِرِ