
Your radiant, cheerful face welcomes

حياكم الوجه الجميل المسفر

1. Your radiant, cheerful face welcomes
An assembly where arts are freely discussed

١. حَيَّاكُمُ الوَجهُ الجَميلُ المُسفِرُ
يَا مَجلِساً فِيِهِ الفُنُونُ تُحَرَّرُ

2. Do you hear me, though I'm but a deputy
For you, who judge more aptly?

٢. هَل تَسْمَعونَ وإنَّمَا أنَا نَائِبٌ
عَنكُمْ وأنتُمْ بِالإصَابَةِ أجدَرُ

3. The quail asked a question seeking an answer;
His query concerned the past, full of feeling.

٣. طَلَبَ الطُّويرُ عَنِ السُّؤالِ إجابَةً
وسؤالهُ ُمِمَّا مَضَى مُسَتشْعَرٌ

4. If the speech benefits him, to disappoint
His hopes would clearly be wrong.

٤. إنْ كَانَ يَنْفَعُهُ المَقالُ فَإنَّ في
تَفويتِ طَمعَتِهِ الضَّمَانَ مُقَرَّرٌ

5. And if the opponent says "I didn't intend
To disappoint him," we say "No excuses."

٥. وَإذا يَقُولُ الخَصْمُ لَستُ بِقاصِدٍ
تَفويتَهَا قُلنَا لَهُ لاَ تُعْذرُ

6. If a pilgrim dies from a hunter's neglect
Punishment for it is decreed.

٦. صَيدُ الحَجيجِ إذا يَمُوتُ بِروعَةٍ
مِن غافِلٍ فِيهِ الجَزاءُ مٌقَدَّرُ

7. Nor can a meal be paid for with its like
Later - that act we condemn.

٧. هَذا ولاَ يُقضَى الطَّعَامُ بِمِثلِهِ
مُتأخِّرٌ إذْ هُوَ فِعلٌ مُنكَرُ

8. So the amount that equals it must be judged;
Whatever exceeds that is best.

٨. فَتَعَيَّنَ التَّقويمُ بِالقَدرِ الَّذي
سَاوى ومَهمْا زَادَ فَهوَ الأظهَرُ

9. And if one wants to act, let him turn to
A just arbiter, knowledgeable and able.

٩. وإذا أرادَ الفِعلَ فَلِيَعدلْ إلى
عَدلٍ خَبِير بِالفِعالِ وأقدَرُ

10. Ali Al-Basha ibn Al-Hussein, whose times
Are sunlit days and moonlit nights,

١٠. ابن الحُسينِ عَلِيِّ البَاشَا الذي
أوقَاتُهُ شَمْسٌ وَلَيلٌ مُقمِرُ

11. Witty, charming - his talk never wearies,
Until one wearies of a prosperous life.

١١. عَذبِ الفُكَاهَةِ لاَ يُمَلُ حَديثُهُ
حَتَّى يَمَلَّ مِنَ الحَياةِ المُوسِرُ

12. With every moment, his kindness increases,
A hue sweeter than old, more splendid.

١٢. وَبِكُلَ آونةٍ يَزِيدُكَ بِرُّهُ
لَونٌ ألَذُّ مِنَ القَدِيمِ وأفخَرُ

13. And Ali - the gifts of his favor proliferate,
The choicest; and you are the chooser.

١٣. وعَلِيُّ تَكْثُرُ وارِدَاتُ نَوالِهِ
فَهِي الخِيارُ وأنتَ بَعدُ مُخَيَّرُ

14. When serious, he clearly embodies
Aristotle's wonders and marvels.

١٤. أمَّا إذا مَا جَدَّ فَهوَ بَديهَةٌ
فِيهَا أرسطُو بِالعَجَائِبِ يُخْبِرُ

15. Issues throng his debate halls,
Sometimes tame, sometimes fierce.

١٥. تَرِدُ المَسائِلُ فِي مَجَالِسِ بَحثِهِ
مَأنُوسَةً حِيناً وَحِيناً تُنفِرُ

16. He returns the stray ones with a prior thought
To which even rocky cliffs submit.

١٦. فَيَرُدُّ شَارِدَهَا بِسابِقِ فِكرَةٍ
لِنُفُوذِهَا صَخرُ الصَّفاةِ يُسخَّرُ

17. Often he benefits those who don't watch
Themselves; I see more clearly the benefit.

١٧. وَلَكَمْ افَاد َفَقَالَ مَن لاَ يَرعَوي
عَن غَيِّهِ أنَا بِالإفَادَةِ أبصَرُ

18. So focused on the subtlety of the discourse,
He claims what he barely understands.

١٨. أغفَى لِدِقَّةِ مَا جَرى حتى ادَّعَى
مَا فَهمُهُ عَنْ مِثلِهِ مُتَعَذّرُ

19. Wondrous, an original joke whose point
Only the keenest perceives, though many witness it.

١٩. عَجَباً لِسَابِقِ نُكتَةٍ وَمُفِيدُهَا
فَطِنٌ لَهَا وَشَهِيدُهُ مُتوَفِّرُ

20. Yet the prince's manners shun anything
He deems ugly, and cover it.

٢٠. لَكِنَّ أخلاقَ الأمير تَحِيدُ عَنْ
شَيءٍ تَرَاهُ مِنَ القَبيحِ وتَسْتُرُ

21. He still seeks any benefit,
While old age smiles at him happily.

٢١. لاَزالَ مَقصُوداً لِكُلِ إفَادَةٍ
والِّسنُّ مِنهُ ضَاحِكَ مُستَبْشِرُ

22. How much you have heard from him, strange things you haven't,
Of which it suffices to mention a bit.

٢٢. وَلَكَمْ سَمِعْتَ ومَا سَمِعتَ غَريبَةً
يَكفِيكَ مِنْ إطرَائِهَا مَا يُذكَرُ

23. The jurists said: in collecting the alms tax
Most give priority to the smaller amount:

٢٣. قَالَ الأيِمَةُ أكثَرُ الصَّنفَينِ في
أخذِ الزَّكاةِ عَلَى القَلِيلِ يُصَدَّرُ

24. A third from the buffalo, while the one
Who completes the sixty is the young cow.

٢٤. مَثَلاً مِنَ الجَاموسِ ثُلثاَ حِصَّةٍ
وَمُكَمِّلُ السِّتِّينَ فِيهَا البيقَرُ

25. His mind raced to the conclusion
That the "heads" come first.

٢٥. فَتَسَارَعَتْ أفهَامُ حَضرَتِهِ إلَى
أنَّ الرُّؤوُسَ مِنَ المُقَدَّمِ تَندُرُ

26. Since it is greater, he said, "No,
Rather, the latter of the two is greater."

٢٦. إذ هُوَ أكثَرُ مَا هُناكَ فَقَالَ لاَ
بَل آخِرُ الصّنفَينِ هُوَ الأكثَرُ

27. They said, how strange! He answered them:
"To me it has an aspect that makes sense:"

٢٧. قالوا عَجَيباً كَيفَ ذاَ فَأجَابَهُمْ
عِندي لَهَا وَجهُ عَلَيهِ تُصَوَّرُ

28. Deduct the thirty that came from the first
Part, and the rest can be considered.

٢٨. خُصَّ الثَّلاثينَ التي مِنْ أوَّل
مَا نَابَهَا وإلَى البَقيَّةِ يُنظَرُ

29. The greater part is the twenty left over,
As required by the remainder of the alms tax.

٢٩. فَالأكْثَرُ العِشرُونَ مِنهَا مُقتَضى
بَاقِي الزَّكاةِ أمثِلُ هّذا يُنكَرُ

30. Is this image not rejected?
After battling, they retreated before a subtly

٣٠. فترَاجَعوا بَعدَ الجِمَاحِ لِنُكْتَةٍ
تَأبى عَلَى غَيرِ الأميرِ وتَكبُرُ

31. That none but the prince could conceive or appreciate-
A taste befitting his essence in gentleness,

٣١. ذَوقٌ يُناسِبُ في اللَّطافَةِ ذاتَهُ
وكِلاهُمَا في كُلّ حَالٍ يَسحَرُ

32. And both always enchant.
His slender, beautiful face merits generosity,

٣٢. فَلِوَجْهِهِ الهَشّ الجَمِيلِ كَرَامَةٌ
وإلى شَمَائِلِهِ السَّلامُ يُسَيَّرُ