1. News came that her abode was the highlands
While ours were the flat plains and wide spaces
١. أتَاني أنَّ مَنزِلَهَا الهِضَابُ
وَمَنزِلَنَا الأبَاطِحُ والرّحَابُ
2. So I was seized by a passion to see her
For one like it obstacles seem easy
٢. فَخَامَرَني لِرؤُيَتِهَا غَرَامٌ
يَهُونُ لِمِثِلِهِ الخُطَطُ الصّعَابُ
3. My route held open deserts where none knows
The paths but the soaring eagles
٣. وَفي طَرقِي مَفَاوِزَ لَيسَ يَدرِي
مَسَالِكَهَا لِبيضَتِهِ العُقابُ
4. I crossed the wastes in the dark of night
My tribe and friends left behind
٤. فَخُضتُ لَهَا التَّنَائِفَ تَحْتَ لَيلٍ
جَفَانِي فِيهِ أهْلِي والصّحَابُ
5. Save a mount that bore me, Sabuh
And rage no kin can withstand
٥. سِوى سَرجٍ تَحَمَّلَهُ سَبُوحٌ
وَغَضْبٍ لا يَلَذُّ لَهُ قِرَابُ
6. I paired its whiteness to my eyes' darkness
And my veil gathered me and its ascent
٦. قَرَنْتُ بَيَاضَهُ بِسَوَادِ عَيِني
وَجَمَّعَنِي وَطَلْعَتَهُ النِّقَابُ
7. I turned its muzzle where none can speak
When resolve is shattered and words fade
٧. صَرَفْتُ ظِباهُ نَحْوَ
يُكَلِّمُهُ إذَا انْفَحَمَ الخِطَّابُ
8. It gave me company though the night's beasts raged
With claws and fangs against its like
٨. فَأنَّسَنِي وَوَحشُ اللَّيلِ يَسطُو
عَلَى أمْثَالِهِ ظُفُرٌ ونَابُ
9. And I saw death itself short of Salma
And reaching it was wondrous strange
٩. وَشَاهَدْتُ المَنِيةَ دوُنَ سَلمَى
وَكَانَ بُلُوغَهَا العجب العَجَابُ
10. It said "Who do you see mightier than I?"
I said "By your truth, the mighty revered king"
١٠. فَقَالَتْ مَن تُرَاهُ أعَزَّ مِنِّي
فَقُلْتُ وَحَقِّك المَلِكُ المُهَابُ
11. Abu al-Hasan the rain overflowing the land
With beauties beyond all reckoning
١١. أبو الحَسَنِ المُفِيضِ عَلى البَرَايَا
مَحَاسِنَ لا يُحِيطُ بِهَا الحِسَابُ
12. He is the Pasha whom the nations' necks
Bowed and bent to his might
١٢. هوَ البَاشَا الذِي خَضَعَتْ وذَلَّتْ
لِسَطوتِهِ مِنَ الأمُمِ الرّقَابُ
13. With a soul that declines no disgrace
And a palm no clouds equal
١٣. بِنَفسٍ لاَ تَمِيلُ إلى وَضِيعٍ
وَكَفٍّ لاَ يُعادِلُهُ السَّحَابُ
14. A purpose seeking the two weights
Where without you the keenest blade is blunted
١٤. وَعَزمٍ يَنشدُ الثَّقَلانِ فِيِه
بِغَيِرِكَ صَارِماً ثُلِمَ الضّرّابُ