
The joys of Eid when time is serene,

محاسن العيد يوم أن صفا الزمن

1. The joys of Eid when time is serene,
Your presence is ever beautiful and fair.

١. مَحَاسِنُ العِيدِ يَومَ أنْ صَفَا الزَّمَنُ
أما وُجُودُكَ فَهْوَ الدَّائِمُ الحَسَنُ

2. If we ask for you in festivals, it would only judge
That you are a soul, nay, you are the body.

٢. وَلَو سَألنَا بِكَ الأعيَادَ مَا حَكَمَتْ
إلاَّبِأنَكَ رُوحٌ أوْ هِيَ البَدنُ

3. The festivals rejoice for you are their life.
Though fate may run its contrary course.

٣. فَهْيَ المُهَنَّاةُ إذ كُنْتَ الحَيَاةَ لَهَا
وَإنْ جَرَى بِخِلاَفِ ذَلِكَ السنَنُ

4. So celebrate an Eid whose eve is the night of full moon
And its dawn coupled with propitious ease.

٤. فَاهْنَأ بِعِيدٍ تَمَامُ العَشرِ لَيلَتُهُ
وَصُبْحُهُ بِافْتِتَاحِ اليُسرِ مُقْتَرِنُ

5. After it days will give you more
Of similar gifts following in succession.

٥. نُعطِيكَ مِنْ بَعْدِهِ الأيامُ بَالِغَةً
لِمِثْلِهِ مِنَناً فِي إثرِهَا مِنَنُ

6. You will get the gentle new
Forgivingly and the harsh thorns will fall off you,

٦. تَنَالُ مِنهُ الجَدِيدَ الليْنَ تَلبَسُهُ
عَفواً وَيَنحطُّ عنك الدَّارِسِ الخَشِنُ

7. Until you see from Solomon and his successor
Muhammad what delights the eye and ear,

٧. حَتى تَرَى منْ سُلَيْمَان وَتَابِعِهِ
مُحَمدٍ مَا تَلَذُّ العَيْنُ وَالأذُنُ

8. And rise to the heights attained by Abi Amr
Where nothing is feared for Al-Mamun the trusted,

٨. وَتَرْتَقِي بِأبِي عَمرٍو لِغَايَتِهِ
وَمَا يَخَافُ عَلَى المَأمونِ مُؤتَمَنُ

9. The apples of your heart they are, in the core of their being
Of an essence, and in the eye of those who envy them, poignant.

٩. أفلاَذُ قَلبِكَ هم في نفس وَامِقِهِمْ
شَأنٌ وَفِي عين مَنْ يَشناهُمُ شَجَنُ

10. The choicest of the splendid who heal by their rising
And who give refuge from anguish brought by time.

١٠. مِنْ كُلّ أروَعَ يَستَشفَى بِطَلعَتِهِ
وَيَسْتَجِيرُ بِهِ مَنْ هَمَّهُ الإحَنُ

11. Nobles fit for kingship, their intelligence rendered them
Eligible, after their early training.

١١. أعِزَّةٌ لِمَقَامِ المُلكِ رَشَّحَهُمْ
لَهُ ذكَاؤُهُمُ مِنْ بَعدِ مَا خُتِنُوا

12. Rather, none cries out at birth
Except your writ is hostage in their grip.

١٢. بل ما استهَلَّ لدى الميلاَدِ صَارِخُهُمْ
إلاَّ وَعَقدُكَ مِنْ كَفيهِ مرتهَنُ

13. They rush to you, none of their ilk
Ever failed, nor is fickleness in their nature.

١٣. تبادروه فلا في كف حامله
منهم نكول ولا في طبعه ددن

14. Then, the neighing of steeds is their desire
When they are yet in wombs they have been trained to gallop.

١٤. تَوَدُّهُمْ صَهَواتُ الخَيلِ حِينئذٍ
وَهُمْ عَلى الرَّكضِ في الأرحَامِ قد مرَنُوا

15. Theirs is the speech of loners, not of the vulgar throng
Theirs is poetry without any twig in it.

١٥. وَقَولَ وِحشَةَ قَولِ الناسِ مُنفَرِد
وَقَولهُم سَرحَةٌ مَا إنْ بِهَا غُصُنُ

16. They are your beauty when you walk proud
They are your swords if sedition comes your way.

١٦. همْ جَمَالكَ إنْ بَاهَيتَ مُفتَخِراً
وَهُم سُيوفُكَ لا مَرَّتْ بك الفِتَنُ

17. And they are on time a scourge if it runs rough
Wherever it rages they are a piercing spearhead.

١٧. وَهم على الدَّهرِ سَوطٌ إن بَغَى حَرَناً
وَحْيثُ يَجْمَحُ هُمْ فِي رَأسِهِ رَسَنُ

18. So no glance opposed to your pleasure
Except from them comes a blow upon its neck.

١٨. فما تُخالِفُ عن مرضَاكَ نَاظِرَةٌ
إلاَّ وَمِنهُمْ عَلَى أعنَاقِهَا شَطَنُ

19. And the like of them is not raised in merit by years
But by noble traits, pedigree and discernment.

١٩. وَمِثلُهُمْ لَيسَ قَدرُ السِّنّ يَرفَعُهُ
بَلِ الشمَائِلُ وَالأحسَابُ وَالفِطَنُ

20. Of them the discerning says, when his eye lights up,
This is priceless, though the vile know no value.

٢٠. يَقولُ فِيهُمْ مَدِيدُ اللَّحظِ يَبسُرُهُمْ
إذا تَفَرَّسَ عِلقٌ مَا لَهُ ثَمَنٌ

21. He whose father is most glorious, is enriched by his jewel
Needless of increase, pleasing every weigh-master.

٢١. وَمَنْ تَكُنْ أبهُ استَغْنَى بِجوهَرِهِ
عَنِ المَزِيدِ وَأرضَى كلَّ مَنْ يَزِنُ

22. These gains come not with caravans from Yemen
Nor do ships bring the likes of them.

٢٢. تِلكَ المَكَاسِبُ لاَ تَأتِي بَهَا إبِلٌ
مِنَ القَصِيّ وَلاَ تَأتِي بِهَا سُفُنُ

23. You reaped them after you had lived opulently
Your hair turning gray and your beard growing.

٢٣. كَسَبَتْهُمْ بَعْدَمَا عَمرْتَ غَامِرَةً
مِنَ الفَيافي وَشَابَ الرَّأسُ وَالذَّقنُ

24. You sailed a sea of horrors, its coast
At times turbulent with tribulations and trials.

٢٤. وَخَضْتَ بَحراً مِنَ الأهوَالِ سَاحِلُهُ
حَينٌ وَلُجَّتُهُ الآفَاتُ وَالمِحَنُ

25. You found no peace inhabiting any land
Except you were pelted in it with no peace.

٢٥. مَا تَستَقِلُّ بِأرضٍ تَبتَغِي سَكَناً
إلاَّ رَمَتْكَ بِأرضٍ مَا بَهَا سَكَنُ

26. Wherever the face of injustice loomed in a homeland
The backs of your steeds were home.

٢٦. وَحَيثُمَا لاَحَ وَجْهُ الضَّيْمِ في وَطَنِ
كَانَتْ ظُهورُ المَذَاكِي عندكَ الوَطَنُ

27. You crossed the wastes of Sowf though unexplored
No wastes can settle them nor does familiarity make them cloy.

٢٧. قَطَعْتَ أحقْافَ سوفٍ وَهي مَجْهَلَةٌ
لاَ تَستَقِرُّ بها الأحقافُ وَالثِّفنُ

28. In its coarse terrain and treacherous straits
All but you, the able men, shirked.

٢٨. وَفِي مَهَامِهِ تَقُّرْتٍ وَفَدفَدِهَا
كَلَّتْ سوَاك أولو الأبدانِ وَالبُدُنُ

29. After you uncovered what lay obscure in the thickets
Many a whisperer, well-named Hasan, called you.

٢٩. وَبَعْدَ كَشفِكَ ما بِالزَّابِ من طُرُقٍ
دَعَاكَ نَاجٍ وَنَاجٍ كَاسْمِهِ حَسَنُ

30. So you visited him, resolved on only the best,
Neither did loyalty to you there swerve, nor temper give way.

٣٠. فَزُرْتَهُ وَعَلَى خَيرَانَ مَا نَكَصَتْ
بِكَ العِتاقُ وَلاَ وَلَّى بِهَا العْطَنُ

31. You climbed the heights of Naziat persistently
Unto stations no fowl of hers inhabited.

٣١. وَقَدْ تَرَقَّيْتَ فِي أعْلاَمِ نَازِيةٍ
مَنَازِلاً ما بها مِن طَيرِهَا وُكَنُ

32. You came to Awras leveling each rugged tract
Where shadows and wild beasts pass you.

٣٢. وَجِئْتَ أورَاس تَطوِي كل شاسِعَةٍ
تَمُر فِيهَا بك الأظلاَلُ وَالدّمَنُ

33. Defiles few escape getting entangled in
Or come out safely from their twisting routes.

٣٣. مَدَاحِضٌ قَلَّمَا يَنْفَكُّ سَالِكُهَا
عَنِ التوَرُّطِ أوْ يَنْجُو بِهَا القَنِنُ

34. One who hears them described is filled with dread
How then one who travels them while being tested?

٣٤. يَرتَاعُ مِنْ وَصفِهَا مَن جَاءَ يَسمَعُهُ
فَكَيفَ مَنْ جَالَ فِيهَا وَهوَ مُمتَحَنُ

35. While you nonchalantly roam them as if
The caves and burrows there marvel at you.

٣٥. وَأنتَ تَمْرَحُ فِيهَا غَيْرَ مُكتَرِثٍ
بِحَيثُ تَعْجَبُ مِنكَ الغُورُ وَالقُنَنُ

36. So neither does the sun’s heat stop you from a purpose
Nor does a temporary impediment make you turn back.

٣٦. فَلاَيَصُدُّكَ حَرُّ الشمس عنْ غَرَضٍ
وَلاَ يَرُدُّكَ عَنْهُ العَارِضُ الهَتِنُ

37. You prefer the night to travel by day through them
As if you are hidden in the night’s eyelid and protected.

٣٧. وَتُؤثِرُ الليلَ عَنْ سَيرِ النَهارِ بِهَا
كَأنمَا أنتَ فِي جَفْنِ الدُّجَى وَسَنُ

38. Fear itself fears you if you confront a dilemma
While your manner is smooth, in you no deceit.

٣٨. يَخَافُكَ الخَوفُ إنْ نَازَلْتَ مُعضِلَةً
هَذا وَعَرضُكَ صَافٍ مَا بِهِ دَرَنُ

39. Until you obtained an inheritance you sought
And what transpired was known to all.

٣٩. حَتى ظَفِرتَ بِإرثٍ كُنتَ تَطْلُبُهُ
وَكَانَ مَا كَانَ مِما عِلمُهُ عَلَنُ

40. Let not one who desires glory count it a pleasure feast
Dwelling in gardens is mediocre sans madness.

٤٠. لا يحسبِ المجد مَن يبغيه مَأدُبَةً
سُكنَى الجِنانِ شُهيٌ دُونهُ الجَنَنُ

41. O opener of the cosmos with the radiance of his ambition
I alone reap but a handful of its harvest.

٤١. يَا مُوسِعَ الخَلقِ مِنْ إشرَاقِ هِمَّتِهِ
إلاَّ أنا فَنَصِيبِي مِنهُ مُمْتَهَنُ

42. If your love raises one in rank
Then I, before the raised one, am most lowly.

٤٢. إنْ كَانَ حُبُّكَ يُدنِي مِنكَ مَنزِلَةً
فَإننِي قَبلَ مَنْ يُدنَى بِهِ قَمِنُ

43. These are the fruits of my thoughts which I have erected
As proof of sincerity for one who tests and examines.

٤٣. هَذي نَتَائِجُ فِكرِي قَد أقَمْتُ بِهَا
دَلِيلَ صِدقٍ لِمَنْ يَبلُو وَيَمتَحِنُ

44. I took them from you except that their adornment
Is wrought by you, O eloquent craftsman of speech.

٤٤. أخَذتُهَا مِنكَ إلاَّ أنَّ حِليَتَهَا
يَصُوغُهَا كَيفَ شِئْتَ الحَاذِقُ اللسِنُ

45. It suffices you to refine the witness to their truth
Musk smells not sweet unless the pods are set right.

٤٥. كَفَتْكَ أنْ تَرتَجِي تَعدِيلَ شَاهِدِهَا
لاَيَسْطَعُ الطِّيبُ ما لم تُصلحِ الجُوَنُ

46. So grant me some affection that I may say to him
Who accuses me that my sale involved no fraud.

٤٦. فَلْتَجْزِنِي بَعْضَ وِدّي كي أقول لِمَنْ
يَسُومُنِي أنَّ بَيعِي مَا بِهِ غَبَنُ

47. For your love is such that if you allow it
The soul is purified and wild cows submit.

٤٧. فَإنَّ حُبكَ شَيءٌ إنْ سَمَحْتَ بِهِ
زَكَتْ به النفس وَانقادتْ به السِّحَنُ

48. A little, gifted by you, illuminates the garden and cities
So greet me, cheerful, at peace and secure.

٤٨. وَلاَ يَقِلُّ قَلِيلٌ أنتَ وَاهِبُهُ
يُضِيءُ بِالقَبسة الرُّسْتان وَالمْدُنُ

49. And live long, so long as you are in this world, protected.

٤٩. وَاسلَمْ هَنِيئاً قَرِيرَ العَينِ في دَعَةٍ
وَدُمْ كما دام في هَذا الدُّنا حِصَنُ