
O my master O Hamad

يا سيدي يا حمد

1. O my master O Hamad
Your day today is the happiest

١. يَا سَيِّدي يَا حَمَدُ
يَومُكَ هَذا أسعَدُ

2. O son of Ali, your virtues
And goodness cannot be denied

٢. يَا ابنَ عَليَ فَضلُكُمْ
وخَيرُكُمْ لا يُجحَدُ

3. Then upon Abd al-Aziz
Mercy is renewed

٣. ثُمَّ عَلى عَبدِ العَزيزِ
رَحمَةٌ تَجَدَّدُ

4. A poor man called you, and
The envious plotted against him

٤. نَادَاكَ مِسكينٌ وقَدْ
جَارَتْ عَليهِ الحُسَّدُ

5. They dug a well for him
And closed their eyes and distanced

٥. قَد حَفَروا بِئراً لَهُ
وغَمَضُوا فأبعَدوا

6. And made him fall, unaware
Into hardship and misery

٦. وأوقَعوهُ غَافَلاً
في حَيرَةٍ ونَكَّدوا

7. They did not fear God who
Watches over the servants

٧. مَا راقَبوا اللهَ الذي
عَلى العِبادِ يَشهَدُ

8. Nor did they grieve for a nation
Whose prophet is Muhammad

٨. ولاَ رَثَوا لأمَّةٍ
نَبِيُّهَا مُحَمَّدُ

9. It is as if death upon them
Is falsehood, unbelievable

٩. كَأنَّهَا المَوتُ عَلَي
هِم بَاطِلٌ مُستَبعَدُ

10. Or that resurrecting creation
Is something without basis

١٠. أو أنَّ بَعثَ الخَلقِِ شَي
ءٌ مَالَهُ مُستَنَدُ

11. But upon you, my master
I rely on their oppression

١١. لَكِن عَلَيكُمْ سَيِّدي
فِي قَمعِهِمْ أعتَمِدُ

12. For you are the honored house
Unique in the highest traits

١٢. فَإنَّكُمْ بَيتُ كِرامٍ
في المَعَالي مُفرَدُ

13. And mention of you among all
Is the best that is repeated

١٣. وَذِكْرُكُم بينَ الوَرَى
أحسَنُ مَا يَرَدَّدُ

14. Your deeds are good
And your reputation straightforward

١٤. أفعَالُكُمْ طَيِّبَةٌ
وعَرضِكُمْ مُسَدَّدُ

15. So turn to me with kindness
With which I rise and become happy

١٥. فاعْطِفْ عَلَيَّ عَطفَةً
أعلُو بِهَا وأسعَدُ

16. And make your father, the master, desist
The most pious, the most splendid

١٦. وَارْغَبْ أباكَ السَّيِّدُ الأ
تقَى الحَسيبُ الأمْجَدُ

17. Perhaps in my story
And my victory he will strive

١٧. لَعَلَّهُ في قِصَّتي
وَنُصرَتِي يَجتَهِدُ

18. And good, if planted in
The time of hardship, is reaped

١٨. والَخيرُ إنْ زُرِعَ فِي
وَقتِ المَضيقِ يُحْصَدُ

19. You remain in pleasures
Unending, everlasting

١٩. لاَزِلتُمُ فِي عِيشَةٍ
مَرضِيَّةٍ لاَ تَنفَدُ