
A white pitcher hid from sense

وساقية بيضاء غابت عن الحس

1. A white pitcher hid from sense
Save for an arm bared in the presence of intimacy

١. وَسَاقِيةٍ بَيْضَاءَ غابت عَنِ الحِسّ
سِوَى سَاعِدٍ عَرَّتْهُ فِي حَضرَةِ الأُنْسِ

2. From its top was born in the air of a rising star
Vapors from which a cup overflows into a cup

٢. تَوَلَّدَ مِنْ أعلاَهُ فِي جَوّ طَالِعٍ
عُبَابٌ يَفِيضُ الكَأسُ منه عَلَى الكَأسِ

3. With a draught, were it protected from this king, hostile,
He would claim it from him for a kingdom of steeds

٣. بِمَا لَو حَمَى ذا المَلِكَ عَنْهُ معاند
دَعا أخذَهُ منْهُ بِمَملَكَةِ الفُرْسِ

4. I would liken it, had it fingers
To bracelets on the wrists of my brother, the sun

٤. أمَثِّلُهُ لَو كَانَ فِيهِ أصَابِع
عِنَاجَ سِوَارَيْ مِعصَمٍ من أخي الشَّمسِ

5. And it was said to it, your top leans down to earth
So why, and it said, love in the companion of the throne

٥. وَقِيلَ لَهُ أعلاَكَ لِلأرضِ مَائِلٌ
لِمَاذا فَقَالَ الحُبُّ فِي صّاحِبِ الكُرْسِي

6. I poured forth twice with good luck my invitation
The two of them being in the race of kind to kind

٦. أفَضْتُ له طَورَينِ بِالسَّعدِ دَعوَتي
يَمِيناً هما في مَجمَعِ الجِنسِ بِالجِنسِ

7. As it was said, pearls scattered on earth are wasted
So it replied, no, and the earth has no cup

٧. كَمَا قِيلَ فَضْلُ الدُّرّ في الأرضِ ضائِعٌ
فقال مُجِيباً لاَ وَلِلأرْض مِنْ كَأسِ