1. Ali Pasha built a house of knowledge
For the sake of God, he strives for reward
١. بَنَى الباشَا عَلِيٌّ دَارَ عِلمٍ
لِوَجهِ اللهِ يَسعَى في الثَّوابِ
2. And prepared it for a day that will not last
Except spending in doing what is right
٢. وهَيَّأهَا لِيومٍ لَيسَ يبقَى
سِوى الإنفَاقِ في فِعلِ الصَّوَابِ
3. And he paved in the way for it a path
Pure, resembling the water of springs
٣. وأجرى في السبيل لها سبيلاً
زلالاً مشبهاً ماء الرضاب
4. And he paved gardens and maidens
For those who build mosques at resting places
٤. وأجرَى فِي جَناتٍ وحُوراً
لِمن يبنِي المَسَاجِدَ في المَآبِ
5. And whoever quenches the thirsty, for him is reward
From the Chosen One who came with the Book
٥. ومَن يَسقِي العِطاشَ لَهُ ثَوابٌ
عَنِ المُختارِ من جَا بِالكِتابِ
6. So oh Lord of servants, grant him bounty
That will delight him tomorrow on Judgement Day
٦. فَيا رَبُّ العِبادِ أنِله ُفَضلاً
يُباهِجهُ غَداً يَومَ الحِسابِ
7. And it was completed for seventy thousand
And one hundred, without doubt
٧. وَقَد تَمَّتْ لِسبعِين وألفٍ
ومَعْ مَائِةِ فَمِنْ غَيرِ ارتِيابِ