1. The auspicious Pasha Ali the Trustworthy
Has come to the aid of Tunis and her Bey,
١. وَافَى لِتونِس بَايُهَا المَيْمون
المُرتَضَى البَاشَا عَلِي المَأمون
2. Son of the Amir Hussein Bey, he who has
Among kings, merits and affairs.
٢. نَجْل الأمِير حُسَين بَاي مَنْ لَه
بَينَ المُلُوك فَضَائِلٌ وَشُؤون
3. From a journey to Al-Qayrawan and visit
Where blessings poured upon him in plenty,
٣. مِنْ رحْلَة لِلقَيْرَوَانِ وَزَورَةٍ
فَاضَتْ مِنَ النَّعْمَا عَلَيهِ هَتُون
4. Its visit called him, but the tribulations of winter
Are assuredly guarded against through his prudence.
٤. نَادَاهُ زَورَتُهَا فَقَطْ أمَّا مَحَ
لاتُ الشِّتَاءِ فَأمْرُهَا مَضْمُونُ
5. Leadership of it suffices him, and commander of its army
Is a man of sound judgment, well-grounded.
٥. يَكْفِي رَيَاسَتَهَا وٌَقَائِدَ جَيْشِهَا
حَزْمٌ بِصَائِبِ رَأيِهِ مَسْنُونُ
6. The armies stand arrayed, and its horsemen
And weapons at the ready, well-prepared,
٦. تَخْذِي الجُيُوشُ صَافِنات فَوَارِسٌ
وَاليَعْمَلات وَركْبُهَا المَضْمُون
7. With leadership that spares him its multitudes,
Hard affairs through it seem easy to him.
٧. بِرِئَاسَةٍ تَكفِيه عَنْ أغذاده
صَعْب الأمُور بَهَا عَلَيه يَهُون
8. So the brilliant one among kings is he who attacked
At ease, and his sword remains sheathed,
٨. فَالألمَعِيُّ مِنَ المُلُوك مَنْ اغتَدَى
ذا رَاحَةٍ وَحُسَامُه مَكْنُونُ
9. And his judgment flows smoothly in the entirety of his
Rule, nothing of his wisdom concealed.
٩. وَالرأي مِنه يَسُرُّ فِي أقصَى عَمَا
لَتِه فَمَا عَنْ حَزمِهِ مَخْبُونُ
10. He protects the lands with the sharpness of his intellect
With clarity, not propped up by guesswork.
١٠. يَحْمِي البِلادَ بِصَارِمٍ مِنْ فِكره
بِبَدَاهَةٍ مَا شَادَهَا التَخْمِينُ
11. He warded harm from whoever seeks refuge in his kingdom;
No person in it has a need left unmet.
١١. ذَادَ الأذَى عَمَّنْ يَلُوذ بِمُلْكِه
مَا فِيه صَاحِب حَاجَةٍ مَخْبُونُ
12. The affairs of his command flow in his making
And so bring about what swords cannot attain.
١٢. تَسْري سَرَايَا أمْره فِي صنْعِه
فَتَفِيد مَا لاَ بِالسيَوف يَكُونُ
13. As for taxation, the Minister's prudence sufficed,
And no stillness of turmoil did it endure.
١٣. أمَّا الجَرِيد فَقَدْ كَفَاه جِبَايَةً
حَزْمُ الوَزِيرِ فَمَا اعتَرَاه سكُونُ
14. The keen, quick-witted, deep-thinking Luthi,
For whom none but he deserves deep wisdom,
١٤. اللَّوْذَعِيُّ الأصْرم الأذْكَى الذي
مَا يَنبَغِي لِسِوَى ذكَاه ركُونُ
15. Or agrees much with his judgment -
His follower, the Pasha Ali the Auspicious.
١٥. أو مَا يُوافِق فِي كَثِيرٍ رَأيَه
مَتْبُوعُه البَاشَا عَلِي المَيْمُونُ