
Your perfect and complete fasting has honored you,

ختمك الجامع الصحيح كرامه

1. Your perfect and complete fasting has honored you,
Success and safety follow its day.

١. خَتمُكَ الجَامِعَ الصَّحِيحِ كَرَامَهُ
يَتْبَعُ الفَوزُ يَومَهَا وَالسَّلاَمَهْ

2. God has granted what you wished from it,
Honor in life and the abode of eternity.

٢. حَقَّقَ اللهُ مَا تَمَنَّيتَ مِنهَا
عِزَّةً فِي الدُّنَا وَدَارِ المَقَامَهْ

3. A supplication that fills hearts with comfort,
And sincerity bows to its mark.

٣. دَعوَةٌ تَملأ القُلُوبَ ارْتِيَاحاً
وَعَلَى صِدقِهَا الخُشُوعُ عَلاَمَهْ

4. Especially since the end is in the departure of a month,
God has made fasting great for His servants.

٤. سِيمَا وَالخِتَامُ فِي سَلخِ شَهرٍ
عَظمَ اللهُ لِلعَبِيدِ صِيَامَهُ

5. Supplication therein is not refused when
The obedient attends to his food.

٥. لاَ يُرَدُّ الدُّعَاءُ فِيهِ مُضَاماً
عِندَمَا يَحضُرُ المُطِيعُ طَعَامَهْ

6. That is an ocean of hadeeth, not to be blamed is one,
Who narrates its strange narrations.

٦. ذَاكَ بَحْرُ الحَدِيثِ لِيسَ علَى مَنْ
ظَلَّ يَروِي الغَرِيبَ منْهُ مَلاَمَه

7. You have dived, O son of Hussein, into it with a body,
And a soul far from boredom.

٧. خُضْتَ يَا ابنَ الحُسَينِ فِيهِ بِجِسمٍ
وَبِنَفْسٍ بَعِيدَةٍ عَنْ سَآمَهْ

8. After a year you walk steadily,
Every day on a journey of residency.

٨. بَعْدَ عَامٍ تَسِيرُ سَيراً دِرَاكاً
كُلَّ يَومٍ بِرِحلَةٍ فِي إقَامَهْ

9. You seek connection from a beloved with words,
You have attained and you have heard His speech.

٩. تَطْلُبُ الوَصلَ مِنْ حَبِيبٍ بِقَوْلٍ
قَدْ أصَبْتَ وَقَدْ سَمِعْتَ كَلاَمَهْ

10. Pearls whose hearing is strung, but
A collar of pigeons has adorned the soul.

١٠. لؤلُؤاً سِلْكُهُ المَسَامِعُ لَكِنْ
طَوَّقَ الرُّوحَ مِنهُ طَوقُ الحَمَامهْ

11. Counting its hundreds is great, a venerable one,
Who has no match and was the peak of its perfection.

١١. عَدَّ جَمْعَ المِئِينَ منهُ جَلِيلٌ
لاَيُجَارِى وكَانَ عِزَّ تَمَامِهْ

12. Every word gives life to every living intellect,
I do not say as some may say to flatter.

١٢. كُلُّ لَفْظٍ لِكُلّ عَقلٍ حَيَاةٌ
لاَأقُولُ كَمَا يُقَالُ مُدامَهْ

13. What pleasure is there after the speech
Of the Dear One of existence, so resolve the stand.

١٣. أيُّ شَيءٍ يَلَذُّ بَعْدَ خِطَابٍ
مِنْ عَزِيزِ الوُجُودِ فَحلِ القِيامَه

14. So congratulate now for a time of connection,
The feast of break fast, in it the tents are pitched.

١٤. فَاهْنَإِ الآنَ بِالوِصَالِ لِوَقْتٍ
مَوسِمُ الفِطرِ فِيهِ مَدَّ خيَامَه

15. Do you think He has come to congratulate you for what
The Truth has obliged to be ahead of Him?

١٥. أتَرَاهُ أتَى يُهَنِّيكَ عَمَّا
أوجَبَ الحَقُّ أنْ يَكُونَ أمَامَه

16. For it is a celebration for Him and your existence a celebration,
May God extend it with pleasure and perpetuate it.

١٦. فَهْوَ عِيدٌ لَهُ وُجُودُكَ عِيدٌ
عَمَّهُ اللهُ بِالرّضَى وَأدَامَه

17. O you who is sought out in every situation,
And you are in leadership in the position of the turban.

١٧. أيُّهَا المُسْتَجَادُ فِي كُلّ مَحلٍ
وَهْوَ فِي المُلكِ فِي مَحَلّ العِمامَه

18. We have not known speech to be so precious,
That we choose it for the excellence of that grandeur.

١٨. مَا عَرَفْنَا مِنَ الكَلاَمِ نَفِيساً
نَصْطَفِيهِ لِجِيدِ تِلكَ الفَخَامَه

19. Except that perfection in virtue is a little,
The little has attained it, then you were its seal.

١٩. غَيرَ أنَّ الكَمَالَ في الفَضْلِ نَزْرٌ
حَازَهُ النَّزْرُ ثُمَّ كُنتَ خِتَامَه