1. O breeze of the two meadows
And radiance of the two lights
١. يَا نَسِيمَ الرَّقَمتَيْنِ
وَضِياءَ النَيِّرَيْن
2. Convey my greetings
To Ali son of Hussein
٢. أبلِغَا مِنِّي سَلاماً
لِعَليّ بنِ حُسَين
3. The rising of good fortune
And generous of the two rests
٣. طَالِعِ السعدِ المَعلى
وكَرِيمِ الرَّاحَتَين
4. A king whose deeds in the two spear-throws
Have earned him praise
٤. مَلِكٌ أثنَى عَلَيهِ
فِعلُهُ فِي الرَّامَتَينِ
5. Who eased kingship with gentleness
And made the most difficult easy
٥. وَفَّرَ المُلكَ بِرِفْقٍ
جَعَلَ الأصْعَبَ هَين
6. With qualities unmatched
By any highly-esteemed knight
٦. بِخِصَالٍ لَمْ يَحُزْهَا
يَزَنٌ أوْ ذُو رُعَينْ
7. Pure of heart and chaste of speech
Of tongue and hands serene
٧. طَيِّبُ القَلبِ عَفِيفٌ
فِي لِسَانٍ وَيَدَيْن
8. Of dignity, none have we seen
His equal in tongue and hands
٨. ذو وقارٍ ما رأينا
مثله في لسانٍ ويدين
9. No arrogance in his rule
He sees kindness as faith
٩. ليس في ملكه كبرٌ
ويرى الإحسانَ دين
10. He casts words into fine pearls
After they were unsmooth terrain
١٠. يسبك الألْفَاظَ تِبْراً
بَعْدَمَا كَانَتْ لُجَيْن
11. Those with heart and insight know
The guidance granted him
١١. يَعرِفُ التوفِيقَ فِيهِ
مَنْ لَهُ قَلبٌ وَعَيْن
12. Truest of men in speech
Where is one who speaks of him? Where?
١٢. أصْدَقُ الناسِ حَدِيثاً
أينَ مَنْ يَحكِيهِ أيْن
13. For he is beloved to the hearts
Of mankind and jinn alike
١٣. فَهْوَ مِنْ ذَاكَ حَبِيبٌ
لِقُلُوبِ الثَّقَلَيْن
14. If his robe were lifted from him
He would shine in two garments
١٤. لَوْ نَضَا عَنهُ كِسَاهُ
لَبَدَا فِي حُلَّتَيْن
15. Of such beauty and perfection
Beyond all other adornment
١٥. مِنْ جَمَالٍ وَكَمَالٍ
أغْنَيَا عَنْ كُلّ زَيْن
16. O brother of kindness in truth
O radiance of my two eyelids
١٦. يَا أخَا المَعْرُوفِ حَقّاً
يَا ضِيَاءَ المُقْلَتَيْن
17. My pledge by God is sincere
Secure, without wavering
١٧. بَيْعَتِي وَاللهِ صِدقاٌ
ثابتاً ما فيه مين
18. And we have safety from you
Twice before this
١٨. ولنا منكم أمان
قبل هذا مرتين
19. By God, all I own
Of possessions is not worth two hundred
١٩. وأنا والله صفرٌ
من كلا مالٍ وعين
20. Save for a house we live in
With five sons and two daughters
٢٠. لَيْسَ عِندِي مَا يُسَاوِي
مِنْ أثَاثٍ مَائِتَيْن
21. Barely getting by on barley
For two years now
٢١. غَيْرَ دَارٍ نَحْنُ فِيهَا
خَمْسُ أبْنَا وابْنَتَيْن
22. Cursed be this lying world
And again cursed two curses
٢٢. غَالِبُ القُوتِ شَعِيرٌ
عِنْدَنَا مُذْ سَنَتَيْن
23. Be my protection from enviers
Far be their evil from you
٢٣. لُعِنَ الكَاذِبُ دُنْيَا
ثُمَّ أخْرَى لَعْنَتَيْن
24. My emir knows I have served him
And he is my light always
٢٤. كُنْ مُجِيرِي من حسودٍ
فِعْلُهُ حَاشَاكَ شَيْن
25. So protect me from his harm
O most generous of two brothers
٢٥. قَدْ سَعْى بِي لأمِيرِي
وَهْوَ نُورِي كُلَّ حِين
26. May God protect your heights
By the Prophet and the two Hassans
٢٦. فَاحفَظُونِي مِنْ أذَاهُ
يَا كَرِيمَ الأخَوَيْن
٢٧. حَفِظَ اللهُ عُلاَكُمْ
بِالنَّبِي وَالحَسَنَيْن