
The rain quenched you, O gate of the peninsula

سقاك الغيث يا باب الجزيره

1. The rain quenched you, O gate of the peninsula
So many fragrant houris have passed through you

١. سقاك الغيث يا باب الجزيره
فكم جازتك من حورا عطيره

2. She sways as she walks like a lofty cypress
Blown by the wind in a rainy land

٢. تميل إذا مشت كالسروِ مرّت
عليه الريح في أرض مطيره

3. And whoever's eye has seen her
Restrains his hand from touching her briefly

٣. ويرجع كلّ ذي عين رآها
بكف عن تناولها قصيره

4. Whenever the greedy one says to whoever:
“For whom are these many coins?”

٤. إذا ما قال ذو طمع لمن ذا
تقول لمن دراهمهُ كثيره