
My envious rival, his excellence provoked him,

وحاسد غاظه فضلي فأرغمه

1. My envious rival, his excellence provoked him,
His wicked nature made him repay me with ingratitude.

١. وحاسد غاظه فضلي فأرغمه
خبث الطبيعة أن يوليه نكرانا

2. O most despicable and foolish of people in my eyes,
I now refuse to call you a human.

٢. يا أحقر الناس في عيني وأسمجهم
إني لآنف أن أدعوك إنسانا

3. If only you knew whom among people you envy,
He would not accept you as dirt beneath his sandal.

٣. هلا علمت بمن في الناس تحسده
لا يرتضيك لتحت النعل ميدانا

4. If you do not see the sun's light out of envy,
Not all people are as blind as you.

٤. إن كنت تجهل ضوء الشمس من حسدٍ
فليس مثلك كل الناس عميانا

5. So live in disgrace and die suffused with resentment,
Complaining at times of poverty, at others of fire.

٥. فعش ذليلاً ومت ما دمت ذا كمدٍ
يشكو الضنى تارة والنار أحيانا