1. Stop by the abandoned camp and ask its traces
Who after them has made it their place
١. قِف عَلى المَنزل وَاِسأَل طَلَلَه
مَن بِهِ بَعدَهُم قَد نَزَله
2. And why did the inhabitants depart
From a home they'd hastily left without delay
٢. وَلِماذا رَحَل السُكّان عَن
سَكَنٍ كانوا بِهِ عَن عَجَله
3. Prolonged is my yearning, so cry with me if you wish
And mourn the deserted site and speak to its ruins
٣. طالَ شَوقي فَاِبكِ إِن شِئتَ مَعي
وَاِندُبِ الرّبعَ وَكَلّم طَلله
4. Excuse me my friend for blaming you
My heart has rebelled against one who blamed it
٤. خَلِّني يا صاحِ عَن عَذلِكَ لي
قَد عَصى قَلبي عَلى مَن عَذَلَه
5. Don't add more to what has befallen it
For busying my heart is what has busied it
٥. لا تَزده فَوقَ ما حَلَّ بِهِ
فَبِقَلبي شاغلٌ قَد شَغَلَه
6. I won't forget the moment we parted
The beloved enraged and rounded up his camels then
٦. لَستُ أَنسى ساعَة البَينِ وَقَد
ثوّر المَحبوبُ فيها جُملَه
7. He entrusted to the heart as he bid me farewell
Fires of affection not ceasing to blaze
٧. أَودَع القَلب وَقَد وَدَّعني
نارَ وَجدٍ لَم تَزَل مُشتَعِلَه
8. He denied his lover union
For he knows that he has killed it
٨. حَرّمَ الوَصلَ عَلى عاشِقِهِ
فَهوَ يَدري أَنَّهُ قَد قَتَلَه
9. O' conflicted heart that desires love
Yet wearies of its bonds
٩. أَيُّها القَلبُ المُعنّى هَكَذا
تطلب الحُبَّ وَتَهوى مَلَلَه