
O friend, have you not seen the comets that appeared,

يا صاح أما رأيت شهبا ظهرت

1. O friend, have you not seen the comets that appeared,
Burning hearts, then hiding away?

١. يا صاح أَما رَأيت شُهباً ظَهَرَت
قَد أَحرَقَت القُلوب ثُم اِستَتَرَت

2. We were ecstatic at their glow when they darted,
They shone and followed one another, stirred things up, then slipped away.

٢. طِرنا طَرَباً لضوئها حينَ طَرَت
بانَت وَتَوالَت وَأَثارَت وَسَرَت