
My longing transcends all means,

شوقي يجل عن الوسائل

1. My longing transcends all means,
And my love is too noble for any peer.

١. شَوقي يَجلُّ عَنِ الوَسائل
وَهوَى ينزّه عَن مُماثِل

2. Time renews my longing for you,
Not towards dwellings.

٢. شَوقي يُجدّدهُ الزَّمان
إِلَيكَ لا نَحوَ المَنازل

3. I was given glad tidings that you are my killer.
How wonderful if you really are my killer!

٣. بُشّرتُ أَنّك قاتِلي
يا حَبَّذا إِن كُنتَ قاتل

4. Provide my heart with a glance
Of your beautiful face before it departs.

٤. زَوّد فُؤادي نَظرَة
مِن حُسنِ وَجهِكَ فَهوَ راحِل

5. My soul is sacrificed for the one who gave me glad tidings,
If it is true that you will keep me company.

٥. روحي فِداء مُبَشِّري
إِن صَحَّ أَنَّكَ لي مُواصِل

6. I seek mediation through means,
Yet the sweetest means is you yourself.

٦. مُستَشفِعٌ بِوَسائلٍ
وَأَلَذّ مِن إِحدى الوَسائل

7. My sleeplessness is wasted on others,
And my aspirations through other than you are futile.

٧. سَهَري لِغَيركَ ضائِعٌ
وَتَيمّمي بِسِواكَ باطِل