
When we reached the waters of Medina to draw

ولما وردنا ماء مدين يستقي

1. When we reached the waters of Medina to draw
Thirsty as we were, we came to a rendezvous

١. وَلمّا وَرَدنا ماءَ مَدينَ يَستقي
عَلى ظَمأ بِتنا إِلى موقف النَجوى

2. We settled with a noble tribe whose homes
Were sacred, containing neither Hind nor 'Alwa

٢. نَزَلنا عَلى حيٍّ كرامٍ بيوتهم
مُقَدّسة لا هِندَ فيها وَلا عَلوى

3. A fire lit up for us in the distance
Where we found those we love and those we adore

٣. وَلاحَت لَنا نارٌ عَلى البُعد أضرمَت
وَجَدنا عَلَيها مِن تحبُّ وَمَن تَهوى

4. They quenched our thirst and brought us to life
And intoxicated us was he whose dignity is piety

٤. سَقانا وَحيّانا فَأَحيا نُفوسَنا
وَأَسكَرَنا مَن راح إِجلاله التَقوى