1. Her structures were created by the fever's flames,
And she poured out her yearning for the ancient tune.
١. خلقَت هَياكِلُها بِجَرعاءِ الحِمى
وَصَبت لِمَغناها القَديم تَشَوّقا
2. Veiled, she journeyed, and her dawn broke free,
Stripping herself of all I own and make.
٢. مَحجوبَة سَفرت وَأَسفَر صُبحها
وَتَجَرَّدت عَمّا أَجدّ وَأَخلقا
3. She turned toward the homelands, but their slice of virtue
Razed her, its ruins fragmented, torn apart.
٣. وَتَلَفّتت نَحوَ الدِّيارِ فَشاقَها
رَبع عَفَت أَطلالُهُ فتَمَزَّقا
4. She came to echo through the firmament, calling her beloved,
Who squatted, hoping to ascend the heights.
٤. وَغَدَت تردّدُ في الفَضاءِ حَبيبها
فَيَروم مُرتَبِعاً يَروق المُرتقى
5. She stood questioning him, and he returned her answer -
The echo came: no way to reunite.
٥. وَقَفَت تُسائِلُه فَرَدَّ جَوابَها
رَجعَ الصَّدى أن لا سَبيلَ إِلى اللّقا
6. With eyes that told the present state, she mourned their pledged troth,
Grieving over a union gone, dispersed.
٦. فَشَكَت بِعَينِ الحالِ مَعهَد عَهدِها
أَسَفاً عَلى شَملٍ مَضى وَتَفَرَّقا
7. As if a lightning flash had flickered in the flames
Then folded in, as though it never flashed.
٧. فَكَأَنَّما بَرقٌ تَأَلّق بِالحِمى
ثُمَّ اِنطَوى فَكَأَنَّهُ ما أَبرَقا