
The souls always yearn for you,

أبدا تحن إليكم الأرواح

1. The souls always yearn for you,
And being with you is their comfort and rest.

١. أَبداً تَحنُّ إِلَيكُمُ الأَرواحُ
وَوِصالُكُم رَيحانُها وَالراحُ

2. The hearts of those who love you long for you,
And find solace in your sweet company.

٢. وَقُلوبُ أَهلِ وِدادكم تَشتاقُكُم
وَإِلى لَذيذ لقائكم تَرتاحُ

3. Have mercy on the lovers - do not reveal
The secrets of love and passion, o loose-tongued one!

٣. وَا رَحمةً للعاشِقينَ تَكلّفوا
سرّ المَحبّةِ وَالهَوى فَضّاحُ

4. If they divulge the secret, their blood becomes lawful,
Thus the blood of lovers is made lawful.

٤. بِالسرِّ إِن باحوا تُباحُ دِماؤُهم
وَكَذا دِماءُ العاشِقينَ تُباحُ

5. And if they keep it hidden, the tale-carrying spy
Sheds crocodile tears before the jealous ones.

٥. وَإِذا هُم كَتَموا تَحَدّث عَنهُم
عِندَ الوشاةِ المَدمعُ السَفّاحُ

6. O beloved ones, what corruption have you caused
Other than good, by your aloofness?

٦. أَحبابنا ماذا الَّذي أَفسدتمُ
بِجفائكم غَير الفَسادِ صَلاحُ

7. He has folded his wings for you - no need to fold yours -
No shame in lowering one's wing.

٧. خَفضَ الجَناح لَكُم وَلَيسَ عَلَيكُم
لِلصَبّ في خَفضِ الجَناح جُناحُ

8. And signs of their illness have appeared in them
Making clear the troubles of their mothers.

٨. وَبَدَت شَواهِدُ للسّقامِ عَلَيهمُ
فيها لِمُشكل أمّهم إِيضاحُ

9. Their souls find rest in seeing you
And their eyes aspire to please you.

٩. فَإِلى لِقاكم نَفسهُ مُرتاحةٌ
وَإِلى رِضاكُم طَرفه طَمّاحُ

10. Return with the light of union from the gloom of separation
For estrangement is night and reunion is dawn.

١٠. عودوا بِنورِ الوَصلِ مِن غَسَق الدُّجى
فَالهَجرُ لَيلٌ وَالوصالُ صَباحُ

11. They purified themselves, so their hearts are pure,
The lantern and lamp shine in their light.

١١. صافاهُمُ فَصَفوا لَهُ فَقُلوبهم
في نُورِها المِشكاةُ وَالمِصباحُ

12. Rejoice while time is pleasant in your company -
The wine is fine and the cups glitter.

١٢. وَتَمَتّعوا فَالوَقتُ طابَ لِقُربِكُم
راقَ الشّراب وَرَقّتِ الأَقداحُ

13. O companion! No blame lies with the lover
If the dawn of reunion appears on the horizon.

١٣. يا صاحِ لَيسَ عَلى المُحبِّ مَلامَةٌ
إِن لاحَ في أُفق الوِصالِ صَباحُ

14. No fault lies with lovers if passion prevails -
Their secret grew as they concealed it, so they divulged it.

١٤. لا ذَنبَ لِلعُشّاقِ إِن غَلَبَ الهَوى
كِتمانَهُم فَنما الغَرامُ فَباحوا

15. They were generous with themselves, not miserly,
For they knew generosity to be profitable.

١٥. سَمَحوا بِأَنفُسِهم وَما بَخِلوا بِها
لَمّا دَروا أَنّ السَّماح رَباحُ

16. The voice of truth called them with an invitation,
So they came willingly and at ease.

١٦. وَدعاهُمُ داعي الحَقائقِ دَعوة
فَغَدوا بِها مُستَأنسين وَراحوا

17. They embarked upon the ways of loyalty, their tears
An ocean and their intense longing the sail.

١٧. رَكِبوا عَلى سنَنِ الوَفا وَدُموعهُم
بَحرٌ وَشِدّة شَوقهم مَلّاحُ

18. By God! They did not seek to stand at his door
Until the key came to them and opened it.

١٨. وَاللَّهِ ما طَلَبوا الوُقوفَ بِبابِهِ
حَتّى دعوا فَأَتاهُم المفتاحُ

19. They are never delighted but by remembrance of their beloved -
Every moment of theirs is joyful.

١٩. لا يَطربونَ بِغَيرِ ذِكر حَبيبِهم
أَبَداً فَكُلُّ زَمانِهم أَفراحُ

20. They came while signs of their selves had disappeared,
They shrieked when they saw him and were annihilated.

٢٠. حَضَروا وَقَد غابَت شَواهِدُ ذاتِهم
فَتَهَتّكوا لَمّا رَأوه وَصاحوا

21. He made them oblivious of themselves when the veils
Of permanence were lifted from them and the souls evaporated.

٢١. أَفناهُم عَنهُم وَقَد كشفَت لَهُم
حجبُ البقا فَتَلاشتِ الأَرواحُ

22. Imitate them if you are not like them -
Imitating the noble ones is success.

٢٢. فَتَشَبّهوا إِن لَم تَكُونوا مِثلَهُم
إِنَّ التَّشَبّه بِالكِرامِ فَلاحُ

23. Arise, o cupbearer, and bring it here -
In its cup the drinks have circulated.

٢٣. قُم يا نَديم إِلى المدامِ فَهاتها
في كَأسِها قَد دارَتِ الأَقداحُ

24. It is the old wine of love and the goal
Of the boon companion - so excellent is that rest!

٢٤. مِن كَرمِ أَكرام بدنّ ديانَةٍ
لا خَمرَة قَد داسَها الفَلّاحُ

25. Thus did Noah in the ark become intoxicated,
And he fluted and lamented because of it.

٢٥. هيَ خَمرةُ الحُبِّ القَديمِ وَمُنتَهى
غَرض النَديم فَنعم ذاكَ الراحُ

26. The souls streamed to His kingdom,
And find no rest but in meeting Him.

٢٦. وَكَذاكَ نوحٌ في السَّفينة أَسكَرَت
وَلَهُ بِذَلِكَ رَنَّةً وَنِياحُ

27. Their bodies and hearts are as though
The lantern and lamp shine in their light.

٢٧. وَصَبَت إِلى مَلَكوتِهِ الأَرواحُ
وَإِلى لِقاءِ سِواه ما يَرتاحُ

28. The blood of one who reveals their beloved among them
Is made lawful for the swords.

٢٨. وَكَأَنَّما أَجسامهُم وَقُلوبهُم
في ضَوئِها المِشكاةُ وَالمِصباحُ