1. The lights of the light of God in the heart are lights,
And the secret in the secret of the lovers are secrets.
١. لِأَنوارِ نورِ اللَه في القَلب أَنوارُ
وَللسرّ في سرّ المُحبّين أَسرارُ
2. And when we arrived for the drink in a gathering,
And the mysteries of the unseen world became hidden.
٢. وَلمّا حَضَرنا للشّرابِ بِمجلسٍ
وَخفّ مِن عالم الغَيب أَسرارُ
3. And there circulated amongst us, for wisdom, coffee,
With which circulates the fervor of reason.
٣. وَدارَت عَلَينا لِلمَعارف قَهوة
يَطوفُ بِها مِن جَوهرِ العَقلِ خمارُ
4. So when we drank it, kissing its cup,
It illuminated for us suns and moons.
٤. فَلَمّا شَرِبناها بإِقراه فمها
أَضاءَ لَنا مِنها شُموس وَأَقمارُ
5. And we uncovered until we saw Him openly,
With sights of truth that no veils can conceal.
٥. وَكاشَفنا حَتّى رَأَيناهُ جَهرَةً
بِأَبصار صِدقٍ لا يُواريهِ أَستارُ
6. And we differed in our intoxication when we inclined,
Ancient, All-Knowing, Ever-Forgiving, Almighty.
٦. وَخالَفنا في سكرِنا عِندَ نَحونا
قَديمٌ عَليمٌ دائمُ العَفوِ جَبّارُ
7. We prostrated in prostration when He said "Delight
In seeing Us, I am for you all a Neighbor."
٧. سَجَدنا سُجوداً حينَ قالَ تَمَتّعوا
بِرُؤيَتنا إِنّي أَنا لَكُم جارُ