
My lonely sleep has fled

شرد نومي دنفا

1. My lonely sleep has fled
Fluttering over the gorge in dread

١. شَرّد نومي دنِفا
يرقّ عَلى الغور نَفا

2. Its gleam reminding me
Of sweet nights once mine to see

٢. ذَكَّرَني وَميضه
طيبَ لَيالٍ سَلَفا

3. Alas for that camp, alas its folk
Oh how I grieve for the homeward road

٣. وَا أَسفي عَلى الحِمى
وَأَهلِه وَا أَسَفا

4. Would that when my love took flight
The rider had tarried that fateful night

٤. يا لَيتَ حادي عيسِهِم
لَمّا سَرى تَوقَّفا

5. When it drew rein, my grief awoke
To see it pass wrapped in a cloak

٥. هيَّجني لَمّا حَدا
وَمَرّ عَنّي معسفاً

6. While for yearning after its folk
The campfire leaped in a dance light and quick

٦. وَالعِيسُ مِن أَشواقِها
قَد رَقَصَت تَلَطّفا