
When the wind blows to us from the direction of his land

إذا ما أتتنا الريح من نحو أرضه

1. When the wind blows to us from the direction of his land
It comes to us bearing the scent of his radiant meadows, so its blowing is pleasant

١. إِذا ما أَتَتنا الرّيحُ مِن نَحوِ أَرضِهِ
أَتَتناه بِريّاه مطاب فَطابَ هبوبُها

2. It comes to us with an eternal, musky fragrance, with ambergris,
And the south wind of Khuzama in its prime

٢. أَتَتنا بِعَرفٍ خالِد المِسك عَنبرٍ
وَريحِ خُزامى باكَرتهُ جنوبُها

3. I yearn for his memory when I remember him
And tears well up and flow with their sadness

٣. أَحنّ لِذكراهُ إِذا ما ذَكَرتُهُ
وَتَنهل عَبراتٌ تَفيض غُروبها

4. The longing of a displaced captive whose chains are drawn tight
And the lament of a soul whose beloved has left her

٤. حَنينُ أَسيرٍ نازحٍ شدّ قَيدهُ
وَأَعوال نَفسٍ غابَ عَنها حَبيبها