
Have you not seen that the Caliph has deviated me

ألم تريا أن الخليفة لزني

1. Have you not seen that the Caliph has deviated me
With his mosque and palace, I have naught to do with the palace

١. أَلَم تَرَيَا أنَّ الخَلِيفَةَ لَزَّني
بِمَسجِدِهِ والقَصرِ ما لي ولِلقَصرِ

2. So he has barred me from a mosque I delight in
Where I indulge in singing and wine

٢. فَقَد صَدَّني عَن مَسجِدٍ أستَلِذُّهُ
أُعَلّلُ فيه بالسَّمَاعِ وبالخَمرِ

3. And he imposed on me the afternoon and afternoon prayers
So woe to me from the afternoon prayer and woe from the afternoon

٣. وكَلَّفَني الأولى جميعاً وعَصرَها
فَويلي من الأُولى وعَولي مِنَ العَصرِ

4. I pray them reluctantly elsewhere than my mosque
So I have no reward from the afternoon prayer and the afternoon

٤. أُصلِّيهِما بالكُرهِ في غَيرِ مَسجدي
فما لي مِنَ الأولى ولا العَصرِ مِن أَجرِ

5. He imposes repentance on me after I have grown old
With which he may remove the heavy burdens of my sins

٥. يُكَلِّفُني مِن بعدِ ما شِبتُ تَوبَةً
يحطُّ بها عَنّي المثاقِيلَ مِن وِزرِي

6. Indeed there used to be frequented mosques in my people
And my chest was never eased on crowded days in them

٦. لَقَد كان في قومي مَسَاجِدُ جَمَّةٌ
وَلَم يَنشَرِح يَوماً لِغِشيَانِها صَدري

7. By Allah I have no intention in his prayers
Nor righteousness, benevolence and good from my affairs

٧. وواللهِ ما لي نِيَّةٌ في صلاته
ولا البِرُّ والإحسانُ والخَيرُ مِن أمري

8. And by Allah it does not harm him, Allah forgives his sins
If the sins of all beings were upon my back

٨. وَمَا ضَرَّهُ واللهُ يغفِرُ ذَنبَهُ
لَوَ انّ ذُنوبَ العَالَمينَ على ظَهرِي