1. When you come to the prince, say "Peace
be upon you and God's mercy"
١. إذا جِئتَ الأمِيرَ فَقُل سَلامٌ
عَلَيكَ وَرَحمةُ اللهِ الرَّحِيمِ
2. Afterwards, I have a creditor
From the Bedouins, curse the creditor
٢. وأمّا بَعدُ ذاكَ فَلِي غَريمٌ
مِنَ الأعرابِ قُبّح مِن غَرِيمِ
3. Binding is what I know not at my house's door
Binding a dog to generous people
٣. لَزُومٌ ما عَلِمتُ لباب دَارِي
لُزُومَ الكَلبِ أصحَابَ الرَّقِيمِ
4. He has a hundred on me and half of another
And half the half is in an old document
٤. له مِئَةٌ عليَّ ونِصفُ أخرَى
ونِصفُ النِّصفِ في صَكٍّ قَدِيمِ
5. Dirhams which I did not benefit from but
I gave them to the elders of Banu Tamim
٥. دَرَاهِمُ ما انتَفَعتُ بها وَلكِن
وَصَلتُ بها شُيُوخَ بَنِي تَمِيمِ
6. They came to me with the clan asking me
And I was not mean to the clan
٦. أتَوني بالعَشِيرَةِ يسأَلُوني
وَلَم أكُ في العَشِيرةِ باللَّئِيمِ