
O cousin of the Prophet, the call of an old man

يا ابن عم النبي دعوة شيخ

1. O cousin of the Prophet, the call of an old man
Whose house is near ruin and destruction

١. يا ابنَ عَمِّ النَّبِيِّ دَعوَةُ شَيخٍ
قَد دَنَا هَدمُ دَارِهِ وَدَمَارُه

2. He is like a woman in labor accustomed to hardship
So he became poor with no comfort or stability

٢. فَهوَ كالمَاخِضِ التي اعتَادها الطَّل
قُ فَقَرّت وَمَا يَقِرُّ قَرَارُه

3. If his difficulties can be solved by your hands one day
Then by your hands are his difficulties and ease

٣. إن يَحُر عُسرُهُ بِكَفَّيكَ يَوماً
فَبِكَفَّيكَ عُسرُه ويَسَارُه

4. Or will you leave him to perdition, how can that be
While you live, will his ruin come to be

٤. أو تَدَعهُ إلى البَوارِ فَأَنَّى
ولِماذا وأنتَ حيٌّ بَوَارُه

5. Can the poet of a people fear destruction
When their praises were the essence of his poetry

٥. هَل يَخَافُ الهَلاكَ شَاعِرُ قَومٍ
قَدُمَت في مَدِيحِهِم أشعَارُه

6. O inheritors of the Prophet whose wealth and land
Were solved by his hands

٦. يا بَنِي وارِثِ النَّبيِّ الذي حَل
لَ بِكَفَّيهِ مَالُهُ وعقَارُه

7. You possess all the land, so lend
Your old man what his home contains

٧. لَكُمُ الأرضُ كُلُّها فَأَعيروا
شَيخَكُم ما حَوَى عَلَيهِ جِدارُه

8. As if he has passed away, leaving you
What you were stingy of, and his house is empty

٨. فَكَأَن قَد مَضَى وخَلَّفَ فِيكُم
مَا أعَرتُم وأقفَرَت مِنهُ دَارُه