
My aged mother, her strength undiminished

هاتيك والدتي عجوز همة

1. My aged mother, her strength undiminished
Like an armor against adversity's assault

١. هاتِيكَ والِدَتي عَجُوزٌ هِمَّةٌ
مِثلُ البليَّةِ دِرعُها في المِشجَبِ

2. Her cheeks sunken, and who sees her would say
I've seen a ghoul or mirage in the desert sand

٢. مَهزُولَةُ اللَّحيَينِ من يَرَها يَقُل
أبصَرتُ غُولاً أو خَيَالَ القُطرُبِ

3. I've left her and her son naught of wealth
Save a maiden camel and five bleating ewes

٣. ما إن تَرَكتُ لها ولا لابنٍ لها
مالاً يُؤَمَّلُ غَيرَ بَكرٍ أجرَبِ

4. To sustain them when their udder milk runs dry
And some camels returning at dusk from the range

٤. ودَجَائجاً خَمساً يَرُحن إلَيهِمُ
لمَا يَبِضنَ وغَيرَ عَيرٍ مُغرِبِ

5. They sent me a letter sealed tight
As if plastered over with a scorpion's clay

٥. كَتَبُوا إلَيَّ صَحِيفَةً مَطبُوعَةً
جَعَلُوا عَلَيها طِينَةً كالعَقرَبِ

6. I knew their plight was pressing and dire
So I cracked it open like an old shoe's tongue

٦. فَعَلِمتُ أنَّ الشَّرَّ عِندَ فكَاكِها
فَفَكَكتُهَا عَن مِثلِ رِيحِ الجَورَبِ

7. And found a shriveled serpent on the page
Who warned and hissed that they were famished

٧. وإذا شَبِيهٌ بالأفَاعي رُقِّشَت
يُوعِدنَني بِتَلَمُّظٍ وَتَثَوُّبِ

8. Complaining hunger had claimed some of their kin
Asking: "Will you not aid your starving clansmen?"

٨. يَشكُون أنّ الجُوعَ أهلَكَ بَعضَهُم
لَزَباً فَهَل لَكَ في عِيَالٍ لُزَّبِ

9. They begged nothing but a cloudburst's shower
To pour from your clouds, soaked with generosity

٩. لا يَسأَلُونَكَ غَيرَ طَلِّ سَحَابَةٍ
تَغشَاهُمُ مِن سَيلِكَ المُتَحَلِّبِ

10. O you who rain goodness, son of the generous!
Scion of nobles, pillar of every great tribe!

١٠. يا بَاذِلَ الخَيرَاتِ يا ابنَ بَذُولِها
وَابنَ الكِرَامِ وكُلَّ قَومٍ مُنجِبِ

11. You Abbassids, whose origin is known to be
The steeds who always raced at dawn's first light

١١. أنتُم بَنُو العَبَّاسِ يُعلَمُ أنّكُم
قِدماً فَوَارِسُ كُلِّ يَومٍ أشهَبِ

12. God's cavalry, raiders emerging
From swirling clouds of dust raised by their charge

١٢. أحلاسُ خَيلِ اللهِ وَهيَ مُغِيرَةٌ
يَخرُجنَ مِن خَلَلِ الغُبَارِ الأكهَبِ