
Shall I not convey to you the news of Abu Dulamah

ألا أبلغ لديك أبا دلامه

1. Shall I not convey to you the news of Abu Dulamah
He is neither honorable nor has any honor

١. ألا أبلغ لَدَيكَ أبَا دُلامَه
فَلَيسَ مِنَ الكِرامِ وَلا كَرَامَه

2. When he wears the turban he is like a monkey
And like a pig when he takes off the turban

٢. إذا لَبِسَ العِمَامَةَ كانَ قِرداً
وَخِنزِيراً إذا نَزَعَ العِمَامَه

3. You gathered ruin and you gathered defects
Thus blame follows ruin

٣. جَمَعتَ دَمَامةً وجَمَعتَ لُؤماً
كَذَاكَ اللُّومُ تَتبَعُهُ الدَّمَامَه

4. If you have attained the bliss of this life
Do not rejoice, for the Day of Judgment is near

٤. فإن تَكُ قَد أصَبتَ نَعِيمَ دُنيَا
فلا تَفرَح فَقَد دَنَتِ القِيامَه