
We were like a pair of pigeons in a wilderness

وكثنا كزوج من قطا في مفازة

1. We were like a pair of pigeons in a wilderness
Enjoying a soft, cozy, and prosperous life

١. وَكثنَّا كَزَوجٍ مِن قَطَا في مَفَازَةٍ
لَدَى خَفضِ عَيشٍ ناعِمٍ مُونِقٍ رَغدِ

2. But the vicissitudes of time separated me
And I have never seen anything so lonesome as separation

٢. فأفرَدَني رَيبُ الزَّمَانِ بِصَرفِهِ
ولم أرَ شيئاً قَطُّ أوحَشَ مِن فَردِ