
The chosen one flung his arrow at a deer

قد رمى المهدي ظبيا

1. The chosen one flung his arrow at a deer
It pierced his heart with doubt and fear

١. قَد رَمَى المَهديُّ ظَبياً
شَكَّ بالسَّهم فؤادَه

2. And Ali, Sulayman's noble son
Let fly at a dog and down it came

٢. وَعَلِيُّ بنُ سُلَيمَا
نَ رَمَى كَلباً فَصَادَه

3. So blessed are they both, each man
Who eats what he has slain

٣. فَهَنِيئاً لَهُمَا كُلُّ
امرِئٍ يأكُلُ زادَه