1. Is there in the land sustenance from Allah spread out,
Or not, so in its skin there are patches of coarse hair?
١. هَل في البِلادِ لِرِزقِ اللهِ مُفتَرَشٌ
أم لا فَفِي جِلدِهِ مِن خُشنَةٍ بَرَشُ
2. Fasting has become comfortable in the midst of our courtyard,
If only fasting were in a land other than it, hot embers.
٢. أضحى الصِّيَامُ مُنيحاً وَسطَ عَرصَتِنَا
لَيتَ الصِّيامُ بأرضٍ دُونها حَرَشُ
3. If I fast, it pains my stomach and disturbs me,
Between my ribs, the touching of hunger and thirst.
٣. إن صُمتُ أوجَعَني بَطنِي وأقلَقَني
بين الجَوَانِحِ مسُّ الجُوعِ والعَطَشِ
4. And if I go out at night towards their mosque,
A sight harms me, whose vision has been obscured.
٤. وإن خَرَجتُ بِلَيلٍ نَحوَ مَسجِدِهِم
أضَرَّني بَصَرٌ قَد خانَهُ العَمَشُ