
Two eyes are seen, one delighted

عينان واحدة ترى مسرورة

1. Two eyes are seen, one delighted
With its leader being steadfast, the other shedding tears

١. عَينَانِ وَاحِدةٌ تُرَى مَسرُورَةً
بإمَامِها جَذلَى وأُخرَى تَذرِفُ

2. It laughs and cries in turns, and is saddened
By what it has seen, yet gladdened by what it knows

٢. تبكي وَتَضحَكُ مَرَّةً وَيَسُوؤها
ما أبصَرَت وَيَسُرُّها ما تَعرِفُ

3. It is saddened by the death of the Caliph being unlawful
Yet gladdened that this most merciful has come to power

٣. فَيَسُوؤها مَوتُ الخَلِيفةِ مُحرِماً
ويَسُرُّها أن قامَ هذا الأَرأفُ

4. Never have I seen or heard of such as I now see
Some verses I appreciate, while others I dislike

٤. ما إن رأيتُ وَلا سَمِعتُ كما أرَى
شعراً أرَجِّلُهُ وآخَرَ أنتِفُ

5. Alas, the Caliph has died, O nation of Ahmad
And after him came one to take his place

٥. هَلَكَ الخلِيفةُ يا لأُمَّةِ أحمَدٍ
فَأتَاكُمُ مِن بَعدِهِ مَن يَخلُفُ

6. To him God granted the merit of the caliphate
And to the other, gardens of bliss adorned

٦. أهدَى لهذا اللهُ فَضلَ خِلافَةٍ
وَلِذاكَ جَنَّاتِ النَّعيم تُزَخرَفُ

7. Weep for the death of your best and protector
And look forward to the station of this one, and be honored

٧. فَابكُوا لِمَصرَعِ خَيرِكُم وَوَلِيِّكُم
واستَشرِفُوا لِمَقَامِ ذا وتَشَرَّفُوا