1. O father of a criminal, Allah does not change a blessing
He has bestowed on a slave until the slave changes it himself.
١. أبا مُجرِمٍ ما غَيَّرَ اللهُ نِعمَةً
عَلَى عَبدِهِ حَتَّى يُغَيِّرَها العَبدُ
2. O father of a criminal, you threatened me with murder, so go away!
The lion and the rose are coming after you for your threats against me.
٢. أبا مُجرِمٍ خَوَّفتَني القَتلَ فَانتَحَى
عَلَيكَ بما خَوَّفتَنِي الأسَدُ الوَردُ
3. Have you dared treachery in the state of al-Mahdi?
Beware! The treacherous ones are your Kurdish fathers.
٣. أَفي دَولَةِ المَهدِيِّ حَاوَلتَ غَدرَةً
ألا إنَّ أَهلَ الغَدرِ آباؤُكَ الكُردُ