1. My nights, my nights, time has caused us so much grief,
Glory has exhausted us, and passion has worn us down.
١. ليلاي ليلاي إن الدهر أشقانا
والمجد أنهكنا والوجد أضنانا
2. My nights, my nights, our vitality is long gone,
From enduring so much hardship, if only there was no agony.
٢. ليلاي ليلاي قد شالت نعامتنا
من طول كرب وليت الكرب ما كانا
3. O four harbingers of ill fate that has led to our demise,
Along with the passage of time that has challenged us.
٣. يا أربع الشؤم قد أودى بطارفنا
مع التليد زمان قد تحدانا
4. We were stricken with grief for fortune turned against us,
And the people that attacked us were granted success.
٤. إنا رزئنا لأن الحظ عاكسنا
وحالف القوم من قطاع هاجانا
5. People were given what they desired and craved,
Yet afflictions were bestowed upon us as gifts.
٥. قد أعطي الناس ما شاءوا وما رغبوا
أما الرزايا فقد كانت عطايانا
6. Whoever thought the Arabs would ever deceive them,
You'd think they were brothers to the Arabs.
٦. من كان يحسب أَن العرب يخدعهم
من كنت تحسبهم للعرب إخوانا
7. O Abi Talib, you are our leader today,
We come to you when time oppresses us.
٧. أبا طلال وأنت اليوم رائدنا
نغدو إليك إذا ما الدهر عادانا
8. We came to you from both desert and city dwellers,
Seeking you out as our riding beasts grew weary.
٨. إنا أَتيناك من بدو ومن حضر
نسعى إليك وقد كلت مطايانا
9. Take us by the hand, O son of the Prophet, take a stand,
For after Allah today you are our refuge.
٩. فخذ بأيدينا يا ابن النبي وثب
فإِنك اليوم بعد اللّه ملجانا
10. The promises they made to us but did not keep,
By my life, were nothing but lies.
١٠. إن الوعود التي منوا وما صدقوا
بها علينا لعمري كن بهتانا
11. We've had enough of the people's false pledges,
Deceiving the nomads in various cunning ways.
١١. فحسبنا من وعود القوم ما دغلوا
على الأَعاريب أشكالاً وألوانا
12. We are victims of their betrayal,
From the day of Hittin until now and forevermore.
١٢. إنا ضحايا لهذا المين مينهم
من يوم حطين حتى اليوم والآنا
13. If only our leaders kept the promises they made,
Things would not have turned out as they did, my lord.
١٣. لو أن ساستنا أوفوا بما وعدوا
ما كان يا سيدي ما كان ما كانا
14. These lands now look to the day of reckoning,
So be their champion, may God watch over you.
١٤. هذي الربوع ليوم الفصل ناظرة
فكن لها يا رعاك اللّه عنوانا
15. The ruins of Jaffa and Haifa, yesterday their lights shone,
But now sorrow and tears have been awakened in us.
١٥. أطلال يافا وحيفا أمس برقهما
قد رف وهناً فأشجانا وأبكانا
16. O son of the Prophet, have not stories reached you,
From Andalusia, relating our tales to you?
١٦. يا ابن النبي ألم عن أهل أندلس
تأتيك دارعة تروي حكايانا