1. Do you remember when you were one of the gazelles
Of Wadi Ash-Shita, and life was in its prime,
١. هل تذكرين وأنت من غزلانه
وادي الشتا والعمر في ريعانه
2. With a heart adorned on all sides with the intoxication of youth
A doe who had killed with her steadfastness her companion,
٢. والقلب مخضل الجوانب نشوة
رعناء قد أودت بثبت جنانه
3. So love grew here and love grew there while a third
Stood over you while you were one of its notables,
٣. فهنا هوى وهوى هناك وثالث
وقف عليك وأنت من أعيانه
4. O Mayya! What is with my heart whose state and pocket
Are silent like the silence of the dead in their shrouds,
٤. يا مي ما للقلب حال وجيبه
صمتاً كصمت الميت في أكفانه
5. And why are my dreams saddened by their imagination’s departure
And my sullenness grows more severe in its intention,
٥. وعلام أحلامي أسف خيالها
وتبرمي يشتط في إمعانه
6. And why are my hopes frightened by sorrow
While despair pulls them into its embrace,
٦. وعلام آمالي يروعها الأسى
واليأس يجذبها إلى أحضانه
7. And why is my devil, when I seek inspiration from him
Poetry that increases dignity in its ears,
٧. وعلام شيطاني إذا استلهمته
شعراً يزيد الوقر في آذانه
8. Bring your forehead closer to the blessings of its dignity
Sweetly, youth sipped from its deprivation,
٨. هاتي الجبين أعل من نعمائه
عذباً نهلت الصبا من حرمانه
9. Perhaps my ancient inspiration will return to me
And it will cover me in my loneliness with its affection,
٩. فلعل إلهامي القديم يعودني
ويحفني في وحشتي بحنانه
10. O Mayya! It is not my fault if youth escaped
And left, and I did not reap the prime of its time,
١٠. يا مي ما ذنبي إذا فر الصبا
ومضى ولم أجن الشباب لشأنه
11. The blackness of your hair set a limit on its excesses
And grayness walked to me before its time,
١١. وسواد شعرك حد من غلوائه
ومشى المشيب إلي قبل أوانه
12. O Mayya! It is not my fault if my fate rebelled
And the blackness of my fortune raged in its rebellion,
١٢. يا مي ما ذنبي إذا دهري عتا
وسواد حظي لج في طغيانه
13. For man attains what he wants of wishes
Through striving and support from his brethren,
١٣. فالمرء يدرك ما يشاء من المنى
بالسعي والتأييد من إخوانه
14. And I am the one who denied the merit of loved ones
And helped my friends with their betrayal,
١٤. وأنا الذي جحد الأحبة فضله
وأعان أصدقهم على خذلانه
15. Bring your forehead closer, for my happiness continues
If it comes near my lips controlled by its teeth,
١٥. هاتي الجبين فما تزال سعادتي
إن يدن من شفتي طوع بنانه
16. And rest your breast on my chest, and it will suffice me as a blessing,
This feeling you inspire from its throbbing,
١٦. وتوسدي صدري وحسبي نعمة
هذا الذي توحين من خفقانه
17. I have nothing to do with their world, for your love is a universe,
The highest secret, and harm will not reach its essence,
١٧. مالي ودنياهم فحبك عالم
أسمى ولن يصل الأذى لكيانه
18. O Mayya! Mount Gilad is still as it was
Remaining appeased, crouching in its place,
١٨. يا مي جلعاد الأشم كعهده
ما زال يريض جاثماً بمكانه
19. The caves of Wadi Sir have not ceased its vegetation
And its flowers bend over its branches,
١٩. والغور ما انفكت غدائر نبته
وزهوره تحنو على غدرانه
20. The sky of Irbid, its clouds still
Water the plains of the fortress in its fury,
٢٠. وسماء إربد ما يزال سحابها
يسقي سهول الحصن من هتانه
21. O Mayya! My homeland’s doves have not stopped
Cheeping and clapping on its branches,
٢١. يا مي ما برحت حمائم سدرنا
تشدو مصفقة على أغصانه
22. So tend to my heart with your love and listen
To whatever you wish of my singing and its melodies,
٢٢. فتعهدي قلبي بحبك واسمعي
ما شئت من شدوي ومن ألحانه
23. The hut of regrets, its shadow has shrunk
And its porch is firmer than its columns,
٢٣. كوخ الندامى قد تقلص ظله
وعراصه أقوين من ندمانه
24. The time of its master has passed to its final days
Tattered, holding the reins of its rein,
٢٤. ومضت برب الكوخ نحو حجالها
خرقاء في يدها زمام عنانه
25. Its seduction is an accursed slumber that distracted it from its folk
And replaced their safety with fears,
٢٥. فتنته لعنة خدرها عن رهطه
واستبدلته مخاوفاً بأمانه
26. And he who improved the condition of the spouse spoiled her wedding
And we have an evening where he tied the knot of marriage,
٢٦. وأساء محسن للقرين وعرسه
ولنا عشية صاغ عقد قرانه
27. So I wish I had been able to protect
The hut before the contract, tying its tongue,
٢٧. فوددت لو أني استطعت حمية
للكوخ قبل العقد سل لسانه
28. And pity the hut, how it frowned
Vexed, the sounds of joy in its title,
٢٨. وارحمتا للكوخ كيف تبرمت
ضجراً صوى اللذات في عنوانه
29. It calls the cups in its hands, so echo responds
Reverberating off its walls,
٢٩. تدعو السقاة كؤوسها فيجيبها
رجع الصدى يرتد عن جدرانه
30. The tambourine asks about the revelers of its harem
And the duff asks about the fate of its performers,
٣٠. والزق يسأل عن سباة حريمه
والدف يسأل عن مصير قيانه
31. And pity the hut, its nadir
Has collected the remnants of its structure compassionately,
٣١. وارحمتا للكوخ إن حضيضه
قد ضم إشفاقاً ذرى بنيانه
32. The lute bent like an orphan with its head
And cried for it, so it cried over the loss of its prestige,
٣٢. والعود ألوى كاليتيم برأسه
وبكى لها فبكت غضاضة شأنه
33. This is the violin, so where is its performer
Who cries over the hut’s ruins with the sorrow of his violin,
٣٣. هذا الكمان فأين عازفه الذي
يبكي حطام الكوخ شجو كمانه
34. And pity the hut, how gloom overcame it
After the radiance of the faces of its time,
٣٤. وارحمتا للكوخ كيف تجهمت
من بعد إشراق وجوه زمانه
35. To the point that even I, faithful to its covenant,
Have ceased to frequent the tavern I once loved,
٣٥. حتى أنا وأنا الوفي لعهده
أَصبحت لا أرتاد نجعة حانه
36. So it is as if I were a slave to its devotion
Or Hamza al-Arabee in his faith,
٣٦. فكأنني عبود في إِسلامه
أو حمزة العربي في إِيمانه
37. And I fear if the roots of my austerity grow
The palace will call me for my senility,
٣٧. وأخاف إن طالت جذور تقشفي
أن يدعيني القصر من شيخانه
38. Wondrous are my loves from the remnants of a turban
Dark like the full moon in its time,
٣٨. عجباً حبائي من طلال عمامة
قوراء مثل البدر في إبانه
39. And Noel, the beads of its rosary
Submerged to the ears in its glorification,
٣٩. ونوال نايف سبحة حباتها
غاصت إلى الآذان في سبحانه
40. And the words of our master Atta
In asceticism that intoxicate me with the magic of his rhetoric,
٤٠. وعطاء سيدنا مقال ممتع
في الزهد يسكرني بسحر بيانه
41. And the poem of Asma’, whose verses
I saw the secret of truth in its forgiveness,
٤١. وقصيدة عصماء من أبياتها
عاينت سر الحق في غفرانه
42. And I saw that God is more merciful
Than what some of His servants suspect,
٤٢. ورأيت أن اللّه أوسع رحمة
مما يظن البعض من عبدانه
43. And I witnessed how forgiveness spreads its veil
Even over Pharaoh in his disobedience,
٤٣. وشهدت كيف العفو يسبل ستره
حتى على فرعون في عصيانه
44. Do not rush, O people, if my Sufism
Still needs evidence for its argument,
٤٤. لا تعجلو يا قوم إن تصوفي
ما زال مفتقراً إلى برهانه
45. O Mayya! Spring has returned and my soul has returned
To the devils of autumn and its shields,
٤٥. يا مي قد عاد الربيع وعاودت
نفسي وساوس قصفه ودنانه
46. And visions of wine that I thought made me
Chosroes Anushirwan in his hall,
٤٦. ورؤى خمار كنت معه أظنني
كسرى أنو شروان في إيوانه
47. Around me are my boon companions who adorn my feast
Like the crowned king among those of authority,
٤٧. حولي دهاقيني تحف بسدتي
شأن المتوج في ذوي سلطانه
48. Until when my soul staggers from the intoxication
Of your drunken glance in its eyelids,
٤٨. حتى إذا روحي ترنح عطفها
من لحظك المخمور في أجفانه
49. And my head fills with your beauty’s intoxication
That the wine begrudged it to its drunkard,
٤٩. واكتظ رأسي من جمالك نشوة
ضن الشراب بها على سكرانه
50. I broke my cup and sought refuge in repentance
That set my nape aflame striking the devil,
٥٠. حطمت كأسي واعتصمت بتوبة
قد ألهبت صفعاً قفا شيطانه
51. And I turned away from drinking wine and giving it
And my lips became pure of its vessels,
٥١. وأنبت عن شرب العقار وبذله
وتنزهت شفتاي عن أدرانه
52. O Mayya! I have become a locust in our field
And its butterfly strutting in its flight,
٥٢. يا مي قد صرت جنادب حقلنا
وفراشه يختال في طيرانه
53. To God belong the wings of the weak, for they
Elevate him, and he stays below its range,
٥٣. للّه أجنحة الضعيف فإنها
تسمو به ويقيم دون عنانه
54. So bring your lips closer to my mouth, and cradle
My chest, and time will cease its harm,
٥٤. فادني شفاهك من فمي وتوسدي
صدري يكف الدهر عن عدوانه
55. Woe to the lambs of imagination, for they
Are sacrifices offered to their valley,
٥٥. يا ويح حملان الخيال فإنهم
قربان واديهم إلى سرحانه
56. Bring your forehead closer, for the dawn has smiled
At the grim faced one in its glitter,
٥٦. هاتي جبينك فالتلاع تبسمت
للمكفهر الفظ في لمعانه
57. And the ravines of Wadi Sir, their smooth surface flowed
For lightning when it exposed its teeth,
٥٧. وشعاب وادي السير سال لجينها
للبرق لما افتر عن أسنانه
58. Bring your forehead closer, for life’s steed
Is fierce, and none of its horsemen are more deadly,
٥٨. هاتي جبينك فالحياة جوادها
شرس وليس فتاك من فرسانه
59. He who was not a wolf, his time
Tempts him with tens of wolves,
٥٩. من لم يكن ذئباً فإن زمانه
يغري به العشرات من ذؤبانه
60. Woe to the wings of imagination, for they
Kill their bird with the feathers of its hatred,
٦٠. يا ويح أجنحة الخيال فإنها
تغتال طائرها بريش سنانه
61. This Wadi Ash-Shita, and those were my playgrounds
When I was, and I was one of its neighbors,
٦١. وادي الشتا هذا وتلك ملاعبي
أيام كنت وكنت من جيرانه
62. So bring your lips closer to my mouth, if your heart, O Mayya, has not
Become protected from its storm,
٦٢. فادني شفاهك من فمي إن لم يكن
يا مي قلبك قد من صوانه
63. And rest your breast on my chest, and it will suffice you as a blessing,
This feeling you inspire from its throbbing,
٦٣. وتوسدي صدري وحسبك نعمة
هذا الذي توحين من خفقانه
64. I have nothing to do with their world, for your love is a universe,
The secret of passion has settled on its inhabitants.
٦٤. مالي ودنياهم فحبك عالم
سر الهوى وقف على سكانه