
Say to him for whom the sun has risen other than me

قل لمن أصبحت له الشمس غيري

1. Say to him for whom the sun has risen other than me
It is among what wanders confused in the air

١. قُل لِمَن أَصبَحَت لَهُ الشَمس غَيري
فَهِيَ مِما تسام في الجَو حيرى

2. By my father you increased in beauty when you traveled
If the does breathed the air of your face

٢. بِأَبي زدت حينَ سافَرت حسنا
لَو نسم وَجهك الغَزالة ضيرا

3. Like the crescent moon increasing its light
At the beginning of the month as it traveled on

٣. كَازدياد الهِلال مِن نورِهِ في
أَول الشَهر كَما اِزدادَ سيرا