
I see my sin as disbelief, so is there repentance for me?

أرى زلتي كفرا فهل لي توبة

1. I see my sin as disbelief, so is there repentance for me?
And how many a disbeliever in God hoped for His forgiveness.

١. أَرى زلتي كُفراً فَهَل لي تَوبَةٌ
وَكَم كافر بِاللَه راجَ لِغُفرانِهِ

2. So if you were in the disbelief that you came
Forcibly, then my heart is still reassured by its faith.

٢. فَإِن كُنتَ في الكُفر الَّذي جئت
مُكرَهاً فَما زالَ قَلبي مُطمَئناً بِإِيمانه