1. O noble one whose nobility is confirmed
Like the celestial sphere, without flaw like Bahram
١. يا سَيِداً قَد حَكى تثبتُه
كيوان وَالبَأس مِنهُ بَهراما
2. His face is the sun and moon
The moving Jupiter sings his praises while fasting
٢. وَالشَمس وَالبَدر وَجهه
وَحكاه المُشتَري قائِماً صواما
3. None can equal his loftiness
He surpasses the stars, should they vie
٣. فَما يُساميه في العُلى أَحَد
وَهُوَ يُسامي النُجوم إِن ساما
4. You remain my refuge, to which I return
Sheltering me from time's vicissitudes, should they oppress
٤. لا زلت لي موئلا أردُّ بِهِ
عَني صُروف الزَمان إِن ضاما
5. I found him in every need that befell me
Generous, quick to aid, ever bountiful
٥. أَلقاه في كُلِ حاجة عَرَضت
سَمحاً مُريع الجَناب منعاما