
When Pleiades and the crescent moon appeared to me

إذا ما الثريا والهلال جلتهما

1. When Pleiades and the crescent moon appeared to me
Like the sun when she unwillingly bid farewell to her day

١. إِذا ما الثُريا وَالهِلال جلتهما
لي الشَمس إِذ وَدَعَت كُرهاً نَهارها

2. Like Asma when she visited in the evening and left behind
Her anklets and bracelets at our place as a token

٢. كَأَسماءَ إِذ زارَت عَشاءاً وَغادَرَت
لَدَينا دَلالاً قُرطَها وَسِوارَها

3. And the turn of Gemini tells of her veil
With pearls in it, not fearing their scatter

٣. وَمُنقَلب الجَوزاء يَحكي وِشاحَها
لآلئ فيها لا تَخاف اِنتِثارَها

4. And I was consoled by Sirius's passage like a teardrop
In the eye of a lover who does not wish its descent

٤. وَأُنسيَ بِالشعري العُبور كَدَمعة
بِعَين مُحبٍّ لا يُحبُ اِنحِدارَها

5. And I herded Suhail like an ember's fire
From which the kindlers borrowed its sparks

٥. وَرعيي سُهيلاً مِثل نار برَبوَةٍ
يُحَرك مِنها الموقِدات اِستعارها

6. And the Milky Way's trail shone for the galaxy unhidden
When it split through the garden of plants, revealing its brilliance

٦. وَنَهج اِبيضاض لِلمَجرة لاحب
إِذا شَقَ مِن رَوض النَبات اِستتارها