
When the cups are raised up high

راح إذا علت الأكف كؤوسها

1. When the cups are raised up high
It's as if beyond them in the air

١. راحَ إِذا علت الأَكُف كُؤوسَها
فَكَأَنَّها مِن دونِها في الراح

2. The cups themselves are lit up there
With brightness glittering and nigh

٢. وَكَأَنَّما الكاسات مِما حَولَها
مِن نورِها يَسبَحنَ في ضَحضاح

3. If her beams were shed in the night's gloom
The evening would dawn like the morn's first bloom

٣. لَو بُثَّ في غَسَق الظَلام شُعاعَها
طلع المَساءُ بِغُرَةِ الإِصباح

4. Her brilliant hue on bodies she'd sprinkle
And with her bliss she'd souls besprinkle

٤. نَفَضت عَلى الأَجسام ناصع لَونَها
وَسرت بلذتها إِلى الأَرواح