1. Do not wonder at the tatters of his garment,
Its linen has been worn down upon the moon.
١. لا تَعجَبوا مِن بَلى غِلالته
قَد زرّ كِتانها عَلى القَمر
2. O you who related the water's flowing gentleness,
And inverted it into the harshness of stone!
٢. يا مَن حَكى الماء فَرط رقته
وَقَلبه في قَساوة الحَجَر
3. O moon! Your robe and your visage -
Beware of tatters hanging by a thread!
٣. يا قَمَراً ثَوبَهُ وَرامقه
مِنهُ حذار البَلى عَلى خَطَر
4. If only my fortune were like your garment's
Against your body, O singular among men!
٤. يا لَيتَ حَظي كَحَظ ثَوبك مِن
جسمك يا واحِداً مِنَ البَشَر