1. Behold, the constellation Sagittarius setting in the west,
Its stars dragging drowsily away.
١. ها إِنَّها الجَوزاء في غَربِها
ناعِسَة أَنجُمُها تُسحَبُ
2. Its belt slips off as it sinks into the horizon,
Star by star detaching itself and slipping away.
٢. نِطاقُها وَاهٍ لِتغريبها
يَنسَلُ مِنها كَوكَبٌ كَوكَبُ
3. As though the archer's arrow were a silver thread
Piercing the brocade of the vanishing night.
٣. كَأَنَّما الشعري سِنان لَهُ
نَيط بِهِ ديباجه الغَيهَبُ
4. As though Suhail's brilliance were a flashing blade
Stabbing holes in a dark tent.
٤. كَأَنَّما لَمعُ سُهيل سَنا
نارٍ عَلى رابِيَةٍ يَثقبُ