
Are you still flying on your broken wing

هل أنت على باقي جناح كسرته

1. Are you still flying on your broken wing
While free-flying sparrows have their feathers intact?

١. هَل أَنتَ عَلى باقي جَناح كسرته
وَريش الذنابي مُستَقل فَطاير

2. How can the falcon fly when one wing is injured,
Moving slowly, though destiny has been cruel?

٢. وَكَيف يَطير الصَقر أَودى جَناحه
كَسيراً وَغالَت دابريه المَقادر

3. I used to feel secure from the blows of fate,
Oh, would that I were in the grave!

٣. لَقَد كُنتُ مِما أَحداث الدَهر آمِنا
أَلا لَيتَني ضُمَّت عَليَّ المَقابر