
Lord of a night that seems, after rebellion's trail,

رب ليل كأنه عقب البغي

1. Lord of a night that seems, after rebellion's trail,
Far-reaching in pursuit, not soon to fail,

١. رب لَيلٍ كَأَنَّهُ عَقب البَغي
طَويل المَدى مِن التَعقيب

2. Flowers appeared in it like a flower
That glitters through the mist of pouring hail,

٢. لاحَت الزاهِرات فيهِ كَزَهرٍ
تَتَلألأ غُب السَحاب السَكوب

3. Or like the blue of lances in the plain appearing
As whiteness of the tents in pasture stale,

٣. أَو كَزُرق الرِماح في النَقع تَبدو
أَن كَبيض القَطا بِرَوضٍ قَشيب

4. And Pleiades like links in coat of mail,
Or scorpion, barely creeping, slow in tail,

٤. وَالثُريا كَأَنَّها فَلة الدرع
أَو العَقرب البَطيء الدَبيب

5. And Gemini, whose cloak seemed to unveil,
Pearled fabric, or pearls in patterned veil,

٥. وَكَأَنَّ الجَوزاء خود تَبَدَت
في وِشاح مِن لُؤلُؤ مَثقوب

6. Or like a swimmer, sailing down a flood,
Or crucified, high on a rugged pale.

٦. أَو كَمثل الغَريق يَسبح في زا
خر يَمٍّ أَو أَقطَع مَصلوب

7. Mars seemed a glowing ember fanned to flame,
As, when it rose, its glimmering burst out like a blaze,

٧. وَكَأَنَّ المَريخ جذوة نارٍ
حينَ يَبدو وَضوؤهُ كَاللَهيب

8. And Suhayl's heart, when startled by her aim,
The watchman's eye, was filled with fear's amaze.

٨. وَسهيل كَأَنَّهُ قَلبٌ صَب
فَاجأته بِالخَوف عَين الرَقيب

9. The new moon, when it shone, seemed to reclaim
A segment of the collar's golden glaze,

٩. وَكَأَنَّ الهِلال لَما تَبَدى
شَطر طوق المرآة ذي التَذهيب

10. Or like a bow whose ends approached to frame
A nun written on parchment in those days.

١٠. أَو كَقوس قَد اِنحَنَت طَرفاه
أَو كَنون في مُهرَقِ مَكتوب

11. The stars, when dawn drew near, still palely gleamed,
Like lids of one whose sleep is filled with care,

١١. وَكَأَنَّ النُجوم لَما تَدانى ال
صبح أَجفان مُستَهام كَئيب

12. Turned to the sky, nor from their waking dreamed
Of closing eyes that rested from their stare.

١٢. شاخِصات إِلى السَماء فَما
تَطرف أَجفانها مِن التَغديب

13. Blossoms they seemed, from days before Islam,
In poet's necklace, as the learned wear.

١٣. زاهِرات كَأَنَّها زَمَن
الجاهل في حندس كَدَهر الأَديب