
I will set out riding upon him

سأغدو منه محمولا

1. I will set out riding upon him
An Adhami himlaj horse

١. سَأَغدو مِنهُ مَحمولاً
عَلى أَدهَم هِملاج

2. Of an ivory color
With a face like carved ivory

٢. بِلَون آبنوسيٍّ
وَوَجه كسنا العاج

3. Tightly built, not given
To caprice or waywardness

٣. وَثيق خَلقه لَم يُؤت
مِن طَيٍّ وَاِدماج

4. Short backed, powerfully haunched
With thighs massive, quivering

٤. قَصير الظَهر مَحبوك
عَظيم الرَدف رَجراج

5. Like an unsheathed blade
Swift to charge

٥. كَمَنشور الميادين
بِهِ سُرعة إِدراج

6. His neighing takes the hearing
When the horsemen close in.

٦. وَيَسبي السَمعَ مِنهُ عِندَ
اِلجامٍ وَاِسراج

7. The jingle of metal in his cheek strap
Has the rhythm of a little bell

٧. صَهيلٍ في لجام
علكه اِيقاع صناج

8. Matching his gait it gives him
The song of departure

٨. لَهُ مِنهُ عَلى إِيقاعِهِ
أَلحانُ اِهزاج

9. Its dye always clothes him
In a brocade mantle

٩. عَلَيهِ أَبَداً مِن صبغه
سربال ديباج

10. Drive away my cares with him
Be not niggardly with him

١٠. أَزح عَنّي بِهِ الهَمَّ
وَلا تولع بِاِحراجي

11. I sought you out for the saddle
Only after much grief

١١. فَلَم اِقتضك المَركب
إِلا بَعدَ اِحراج