
His absence did not suffice the agony it caused me

لم يكف ما قد سامني بغيابه

1. His absence did not suffice the agony it caused me
Until his sword of rebuke did find and smite me

١. لَم يَكفِ ما قَد سَامَني بِغيابه
حَتّى تَلقَاني بِسَيف عِتابه

2. My soul I sacrifice for one absent from my sight
His place in my heart beyond any veil or barrier

٢. نَفسي الفِداء لِغائب عَن ناظِري
وَمحله في القَلب دونَ حِجابه

3. If it were not for my eyes delighting in seeing him again
I would have granted them to the bringer of glad tidings of his return

٣. لَولا تَمتع مُقلَتي بِلقائِهِ
لَوَهَبتها لمبشري بايابه

4. So praise be to God who suppressed the enemies
And brought joy to our eyes with his homecoming

٤. فَالحَمدُ لِلّه الَّذي قَمع العِدا
وَأَقر أَعيننا بِعود رِكابه